chapter five.

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"WE DON'T HAVE all day, you know." Birdie's eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of the sharp voice, doing a double-take when she saw her mother glaring down at her with her lips pursed together and hands on her hips. The woman's dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a braid, a few strands dangling along her temples to frame her face. Her makeup from the night before had been touched up, more lip gloss coating her plump lips. A thin black shirt was tucked into a pair of blue jeans, mud-covered boots laced up on her feet so she was ready to go. There was a faint scar still visible along the right side of her jaw——courtesy of a ghost who had an intense hatred for women. Other small scars decorated her body that she'd gotten from previous hunts over the years, but she wore them each proudly. "It's about time you woke up, Birdie. I've been waiting all morning."

Birdie scrunched up her face and slowly rolled onto her side as she attempted to wake herself more, looking at the alarm clock on the table that read 6:21 AM. She'd only been asleep for two hours, having had trouble falling asleep as her parents soundlessly slept in the bed beside her. Serena Fowler never had any no issues with falling asleep no matter how difficult a hunt might've been. Something still gnawed at Birdie when she started to try and fall asleep. She thought it might've been the case, but she wasn't so sure.

Reese and Birdie weren't always affected, but sometimes one hit a little too hard. They couldn't save everyone——they knew that——but it didn't make them feel any better. Serena never understood that, able to brush death off like it was nothing. Reese and Birdie usually talked to each other if they could tell it was affecting one of them, always waiting until Serena was asleep or gone so they could talk without her cutting in. It was what she and Reese had done when Serena picked up dinner for them the night before, having to cut the conversation short when they heard the door unlocking. But, even then, she still couldn't shake it.

Birdie softly groaned to herself, tiredly lifting her head to look at her mother who was making her way over to the kitchen table where a steaming cup of black coffee was placed. The motel room was incredibly cold, but Birdie was used to it as Serena always seemed to be hot and needed the air conditioner on 24/7 whenever possible.

"It's barely morning, mom," Birdie mumbled, partially glaring at her mother. "We're not leaving here until nine. I think we're fine."

"No, plans have changed, my dear," Serena told Birdie, pushing some hair away from her eyes. She took a few steps over to the kitchen counter, setting her mug down with her back facing her daughter. "Your father's on his way from a hunt right now to pick us up so we can get a head start to the next one."

"Hunt?" Birdie repeated with a faint frown, sitting up and tiredly rubbing at her eyes. That little revelation certainly got her moving. She held back a yawn as she twisted in the bed, pushing her short blonde hair out of her face as she started to shove the covers off of her body. "Wha—we just finished one. Why the hell did he go on another one alone? Wait, and how is he already done?"

NO TIME TO DIE◦𝒔𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now