When He says NO

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Attacking the pointers for the spelling bee competition I realized that I am late for the morning worship, again. Dashing through the hallway I heard the speaker talking about how God’s Providence works. All the dorm rooms hang open, tells me that all the occupants are seated on the worship hall. Well except for Mark. He never attends the worship. The seat beside the secretary sat empty. I placed my body next to Louie the secretary.

“You’re late. You know that punctuality stands to protect us from idiocy. . .”

“Yeah, I know. But I’m Section Gold’s representative for the event later. And I haven’t even known how to spell chauffer.” All eyes drifted towards me, obviously I raised my voice higher than conversation level.

“I guess Tristan is in big trouble.” After the closing prayer, I didn’t give Mr. Guerero the chance to see me. He never will let me charge my phone again for two weeks or worst he’ll let me clean up the drainage at the back. Yes, we have the cruelest and meanest punishments here in the Dormitory. Bzzzt! Bzzzt! My phone vibrated.

Honeylet; Best. God bless! Hope you win.
And don’t be a minute late I’m on my
way to the cafeteria. J

Ugh. I haven’t even took a shower yet.

“Michael, please can you go faster?” I said behind the door.

“Sorry Tristan. I’ll be out in five.”

“Thanks dude.” Michael and Job have been my roommates since last school year, and I have earned their respect and trust already. That makes me the superior here inside the dorm room, (insert evil laugh here). But I can’t do that outside here. Outside I’m just nobody, no one notices me. And why should they I’m not good at anything. If only I can be like dad. . . .

“Dude, I’m done!” Michael crawled out from the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. His well sculpted body shows that he really is a good sport-minded jock. But the way he speaks and act radiates he’s a faithful Christian.

“Yeah.” I stripped my clothes off and throw them to the laundry.

            The water on my body felt like Antarctica on a pail. But my body craves for coldness at this time. I mean all the time.  I love the water here in our school. A cold spring can be found on the bottom part of Mt. Talampais, I think that’s where the water comes from. No chlorine to damage to my skin.

            After my short time inside Paradise. I slid inside my school uniform and grabbed my book bag. And ran to the Function room where the Spelling Bee competition would be held.

            I totally have forgotten about my bestfriend. She still probably is waiting for me in the cafeteria. Surely I would be dead meat later. Just thinking about her she literary popped out from behind.

“And why did you ditch me Speller?” she said with the capital S on her tone. “No I did’nt. I really have forgotten about it.” I trailed off “and besides I’m not hungry, I’m nervous.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh don’t worry you will win this one.” I didn’t answer her. I really want to win. But I don’t know whats God’s plan.

After the devotional, the teacher started announcing the mechanics. Then she started to call out names from the section representatives. “….. Tristan De Leon III- Hyacinth.” That’s my queue to stand and walk to the stage.

The first round went easy. I correctly spelled, ASSASSIN, LUAU, PIROUETTE and etc. But on the Second round I flunked my first word. “Okay Mr. De Leon, spell the word, COLLOQUY.’ Mrs. Rosal pronounced it like /koloki/ I know this one. “/koloki/ C-O-L-L-U-Q-U-Y.” “Im sorry,” she frowned “you missed one letter. /koloki/ C-O-L-L-O-Q-U-Y.” oh shocks how stupid.

I frowned and returned to my seat. I knew it I should have prayed to God more. I should made promises, I hate myself. I’m so stupid. Why did’nt God gave me a brain which functions like my classmates. This was my only chance to prove them that I belong. But I blew it. Time flew fast and my time to stand in front of that god forsaken crowd of judgmental people came. I glanced at my schoolmates they looked at me in pure pity. I knew it I was the first one to make a mistake. Why God? Why?

“Mr. De Leon I think you will need water for your word, are you ready?” I did not answer so she continued” your word is /drawt/ it is a period of high degree of hotness. ” it was easy but I blurted it out wrong. “D-R-A-U-G-H-T” I knew it I’m dumb. “you again missed,. . . “ I don’t want to look awful upstage so I turned to the back door and ran. I don’t know where to go. But the first place that popped inside my head, The Prayer Garden, Father why do I always get a NO in all my prayers?.. I wiped the flooding tears in my cheeks

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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