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Ponk rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light of his dorm room. Everything was dark, he had just suddenly woken up and was fully awake by now, checking the time on his phone.


Gosh, Ponk wondered why he woke up so late, considering he had been tired all day. It was a friday, which meant no school, no work, no nothing. He went out and was just hanging out, skating, exploring, just enjoying his freedom.

His mind drifted off, thinking about how fun the day was. But he had this nagging discomfort while he thought about the events of this day. What was he forgetting?

Well... he did remember skating with someone. Who was that?

Tall, fluffy hair, nice eyes...


Ah, Sam.

His crush.

And his dorm neighbor.

He shifted on his bed, leaning back on the wall that stood between him and Sam.

Oh, how he wished the wall didn't exist.

Ponk lifted his hands and make contact with the wall, it was firm and cold. Bumps and cracks littered the surface.

He ran his hands down the wall, not caring about the sound it made on Sam's side.


Sam couldn't take it.

It was 2:38 am. And he was awake.

Why? Because someone was doing god-knows-what to the wall beside him, and it was making a horrid noise he couldn't shake off.

He hated it.

He tried to fall asleep early today, due to the fact that Ponk was the only thing in his mind the entire time.

Oh, how he wanted to grab him and hug him, litter kisses all over his face, and cuddle him to death.

But right now, he had a situation to handle.

He pulled the covers off of him, slightly shivering at the temperature distance.

Sam opened his door very carefully, not wanting to make noise.

He let out a sigh of relief as he shut the door silently, heading over to the room next to him.


Ponk's room.

How could he have forgotten.

Now Sam was regretting getting out of bed, not really wanting to face his crush in the middle of the night.

But, he really wanted to sleep. Not stay up all night, listening to ear-bleeding noises for 5 hours.

Knock Knock.

He did it.

He could hear the small footsteps come towards the door before stopping.

The door opened just slightly to see a part of Ponk's face, before he opened the door all the way.

Ponk stepped out a bit.

"What are you doing up, Sam?"

"Just trying to tell you to quit scratching on the wALL-"

Sam groaned after looking around, it was Ponk's room, a small candle lit up on the desk.

"What the hell?" Sam said, before being shushed by Ponk.

Footsteps could be heard near the door, stopping before continuing to go away from them.

"Learn to be a bit more will you?" Ponk scoffed at Sam, helping the taller male up.

Sam chuckled. "Maybe if you didn't wake me, then I wouldn't even be here at-.. 2:46 am."

Ponk rolled his eyes. "Jeez, sorry I guess."

Sam grinned and sat down on Ponk's bed, the other male sitting right beside him.

They just sat in an awkward silence, both not knowing what to say. It was like there was a wall between them, preventing them from talking to each other.

"Uh, you probably have to sleep here or else the guard will catch you.." Ponk said, turning his head towards Sam.

"Is that just an excuse to sleep with me?"

Ponk blushed slightly.

"Shut up!" He said, playfully hitting Sam on the arm.

"Ow! Sorry, sorry." Sam said, smiling lightly.

Ponk just huffed and got under the cover of his bed, moving to the side, leaving room for the other male.

"Get in."

Sam was slightly blown away.

"Was that an order or an invitation?" He asked, trying to cover his excitement with a witty remark.

Ponk laughed a little.

"A threat, if I would say so myself."

Sam laughed, getting in the bed.

It was warm, and their bodies were barely touching.

The two males were both yearning for contact, the heat radiating off of each others skin.

Sam hesitated hugging Ponk fron behind, not knowing if it would be awkward or not.

Oh, well. You only live once, right?

Same creeped his hand slowly up Ponks waist to his stomach, hanging the arm loosely around his waist.

Ponk was losing it.

He was bright red, the feeling of his crushes arm on his waist was so relaxing, so warm, so comforting.

He unconsciously pushed himself up to Sam's chest, the connecting like puzzle pieces.

Ponk let out a breathy sight as Sam rested his other hand on Ponk's head, stroking his hair.

Sam got comfortable with this new connection fast, pulling the smaller boy closer and putting his nose of Ponk's head, nuzzling him with his face.

Ponk let his body relax into Sam's arms, comfortably closing his eyes in his embrace.

Ponk felt like he was floating up into soft clouds

Sam felt like he was sinking into silly sheets.

Sam felt as though he was getting high off of this interaction, smiling into the smaller boys hair.

He whispered uncontrollably.

"I love you."

Ponk felt fireworks go off in his head.

He loved me..?

He felt warmth in his heart.

"I... love you too.."

Then they both fell asleep, relaxing in each others embrace and love.

{922 Words}

cuddles at 3 am - awesamponkWhere stories live. Discover now