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Shein: What are you trying to do? Huh? Have you gone crazy?

Y/N: I just want to try how does it feel after jumping from this height --_--

Again she smacked my head.

Y/N (whining) : Ouch..

Shein: --_--

Y/N: What? I told you--

Shein: You think I am a fool?

Y/N (grinning): Yeah, of course. What else?

Shein: Yaah!!

She saw my glassy eyes, she stopped and spoke softly.

Shein: Did they.. again?

I slightly nod.
She hugged me tightly.. tears falling down..

Shein: Hey don't cry my gurl! Your best friend is still alive! Let me kill those bastards!! (mad)
Tell me what happened..

I told her the whole story.. 

Shein: That son of b*tch.. how dare he..! Now listen to me. (She said cupping my face) After school we are going to amusement park.

I saw her with my teary eyes..

Shein: Okay? (I nod) C'mon let's go. We are late for the class. We are already in for the detention. Argh!!!

I giggled.. she saw me and smiled.. and pat my head

Y/N: Yah.. I am not a kid..!

Shein: You are! (she stick out her tongue and started running and I ran behind her)

She really just makes my mood goes from lowest to high. 

After a few minutes of running, we reached in front of the classroom's door. We knew we are gonna be scolded badly and get detention too. We glanced each other before lightly pushing the door open. 

 Little did we know.. something else was planned for us... or for.. 


I am back with continuing this story after a long time! I will try uploading the parts more often ;) Hope you like it! Please vote!

You can read other of my works :)

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