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Hi my name is Dahlia I'm a city girl I'm 36 I love the city it brings life to anything even me I love the tall buildings it's dark out and I'm taken pictures when I move back ouch ! What the hell ! Did I just bumped into a wall ! ?

Dave POV
I came from the train walking up to go get my car at the parking lot when the most beautiful women bumped into me while she was taking pictures of the city

Dave POV
I'm Dave I'm 30 I own a Lexus car Company in the City and we make a lot of money I am happy where my company stands right now

Dahlia: ouch ! Omg I am so sorry sir I didn't see you
Dave : it's okay it was an honest mistake it's alright I'm Dave
Dahlia: I'm Dahlia nice to meet you
Dave : like wise so what do you do Dahlia?
Dahlia: I own a Art gallery in the city where I allow every artist to put their art up the wall and tell their story
Dave : oh really that is nice I'd like to see it sometime,
Dahlia: sure just let me know when , !
Dave : for sure
Dahlia : what do you do ?
Dave :  I Own a Lexus company here in the city
Dahlia : oh nice ! That's awesome
Dahlia : well I need to go now it's getting late I live on the east side
Dave : you have a car if not I'll drive you
Dahlia : no it's okay I can walk it's a 50 minute walk
Dave : what no none sense get in I'll take you home .
Dahlia: thank you Dave

                        Dahlia POV
I was scared  but he was nice he did not look like he can harmed me but then again what does that look like right . but other then that he is very handsome I'd like to know him more

*My home is right there on the right *  ?
Dahlia : thank you Dave ,
Dave : your welcome , um if you don't mind can I have your number?
Dahlia: um sure , here you go
Dave : thank you I'll text you
Dahlia : okay thank you for taking me home Dave see you around ,
Dave : see you around

                     Dahlia POV
So Dave dropped me home and then he left , being in the car with him I was trying not to blush know how hot he was so as I get in the bath seat there for a few then shower after then I get out put my shirt on and then go to my bed and checked my phone I saw a few massage from Dave

                           Dave POV
I got home put my phone to charge then go into the shower after the shower I lay down on my bed with my boxers on and I send some text's to Dahlia

Dave : hey Dahlia I got home charge my phone then showered and now I'm laying on my bed and thought I'd shoot you a txt message

Dahlia: hey Dave I just layed down on my bed I'm glad you got home safe I took a shower and saw your message and I replied

Dave : oh nice , what are you doing tomorrow night ?
Dahlia: um not really sure why
Dave : I'd like to take you out on the date
Dahlia: really! Wow I haven't been out on a date an a long time
Dave : really then it's settled I'll pick you up at 9:00 pm
Dahlia: okay I'd love that and I'll be ready
Dave : okay Dahlia good night
Dahlia : good night Dave .

Dahlia Where stories live. Discover now