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To start, you received your acceptance letter to the academy when he left. You were so ecstatic that you practically skipped on the way home but not before running to Megumi and tackling him as you said the good news.

"I got in, I GOT IN!"

"Great, now get off of me!"

When you got home, you immediately started to pack your things since you had to leave after the following day. You didn't love how they didn't give you much time to get ready but you were ready to comply with their demands. As long as you could do what you wanted afterwards, you were happy. While packing, you tried to everything to get in contact with your uncle. You tried to call his cell and text but nothing went through.

You came to the conclusion he was either drinking his ass off or he was on a mission, maybe even both. You laughed at the thought but grimaced when thinking about calling your grandfather. Ever since he found out your desire to be a sorcerer, he's always disapproved of it. It was only thing you constantly fought about other then that, you both got along. You knew it was only because he cared for your well being but you couldn't stand living the way you did.

You couldn't stand being a walking jinx, being the troubled child the rain always followed.

You couldn't find the heart to tell your father not even after you told your Uncle. For Yamoto, he wasn't exactly thrilled about your choice of occupation but he understand. When you told the news to him he was happy but worried, naturally. He was neutral when Araya was the opposite. Yamoto tried to talk you out of it once (by request of Araya) but you wouldn't budge. Your grandfather couldn't understand why he would allow you to this along with Yamoto himself. He knew the dangers of the job, he knew the possibility of you dying in the field but who was he tell you what do.

Sure, he was your legal guardian but he wasn't the one who was cursed.

"You're really excited aren't ya, kiddo?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" you snorted as you slammed your suit case closed. You jumped up on your feet and pranced to the bathroom with Yamoto following up behind you. You started to rummaged through the cabinets for the rest of your toiletries, begging for the time to go faster. You could hardly wait to get to the academy, to get to Tokyo, to get to everything. 

The fresh new start excited you, something was exactly what you needed!

Before you knew it, you were at the train station. In one hand was your suitcase filled with clothes and basic necessities. Slung across your back was your book bag filled with souvenirs, notebooks, gadgets, gizmos, and other things you knew you needed but didn't at the same time. You wore the biggest grin as you waited for your train to come.

Besides you was Yamoto who was scrolling through his phone and your grandfather, who you didn't expect to come especially after what happened. You didn't tell him you got in either, Yamoto snitched on your ass. Araya was upset at your decision but made it final he wanted to see you off. Ever since he came here, he hasn't said a word aside from simple greetings. For most of the time, you've been fidgeting with your necklace that Itadori gifted you. You've rarely taken it off since he gave it to you and didn't plan to. Who would've thought a gift from a stranger would mean so much to you?


Your ears perked at the announcement causing you all to rise to your feet. You sighed as you held a tight grip on the handle of your luggage, turning to your Uncle and Grandpa. "Well," you started. "This is it."

Yamoto scoffed, wrapping his arms around you. "Gosh, why you do sound like this is the last time you're seeing us?" you closed your eyes as you returned the hug, noticing how desperate the hug actually was. This would be the first time you'd be away from Yamoto that lasted more than a few weeks. It wasn't him leaving on some dangerous but instead it was you.

The fact that you didn't know you wouldn't know if you'd see him again terrified you.

"Y/N." you opened your eyes and looked at Araya who held a grime expression. His eyes held worry and concern, his hands held in a tight fist. You let go of Yamoto and took a step closer to your Grandfather. Instead of angry and annoyance, you looked at him with a longing look. You hated fighting with family or anyone you held close to your heart for that matter.

Araya continued to stare before taking a deep breath once he heard another announcement for your train. You stood restless, your eyes wondering to the tracks behind you. "Oppa, the train will be-"

You stopped when you felt two hands fall and grip your shoulders. You flinched in response but gasped when Araya pulled you so close to his chest, that you almost felt suffocated by it. His hands moved your shoulders to your back and his head rested on top of your own. Yamoto could only watch with a small smile as he shook his head. Araya didn't speak for a few seconds but when he did, your eyes widened. You slowly moved your arms around his lower stomach and relaxed in his touch, nodding in response to his statement.

"The only thing I ask of you is to come back to me alive."

𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 '𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋, y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now