The truth

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Well, if youre reading this you probably also read Jeanna LA Romance, the truth and 3 other people helped the original author write that story, we knew her as "tatum" well, tatum became really close with 2 of us, me and someone named jill, ya might wanna remember jills name, shell be important later on, anyways we all trusted "tatum" and we helped her write the book and gave her ideas for chapters, well one day me jill and tatum were all having a bad day, so jill left, and i didnt wanna be in the gc without jill so i left, then jill went back and so did i, well when me and jill left "tatum" also left, but she came back when me and jill came back. we were in the middle of a convo one day in the gc and i decided to leave, and i didnt text anyone for a little, then "tatum" texted me and said "hey you i hate admitting it but i miss you" so ab 10 hours later i responded "imy2" and it went ab a week or 2 and she never responded, i didnt really care but it was fine, then "tatum" left the gc after me, but she would still text jill, jill confided in "tatum" and trusted her..they were working on a chapter when "tatum" blocked jill and jill texted me and told me..and then jill said the unthinkable..""tatum" isnt who she says she is, she lied about a lot of stuff, dont trust her" and then we learned that "tatum" was catfishing us and when jill started to catch on "tatum" blocked her, the author used us for ideas so she didnt have to do as much work, and when she was done with us she left, there was more that happened but the rest is a bit personal to us so we will not be sharing, the rest of Jeanna: LA Romance will be finished on jills acc A114Fun as for the author, we are dealing with the situation as best as we can, thank you for sticking with us throughout the writing of this book, it means alot to us, it truly does, we will do our best with these next few chapters to give yall the beat updates possibly, have a great day fuckers!!
                                            -Management 🥰💞

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