Chapter 1 - Claudia

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It was a beautiful day. The golden sun rays were giving light and happiness to the little birds, who chirped a beautiful tune in return. And there were barely any clouds on this day. No sign of rain at all, since the previous day wasn't so pleasant. It had showers of raindrops drip obnoxiously loud onto the glass windows of the buildings and homes of civilians. But all was peaceful now, and it was a new day for everyone.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The noisy beeping of the alarm continued, as golden rays of sunshine shone through the window and into the colourful room, onto a bed with a sleeping teenager under the thick, fluffy blankets. The day was Monday, and generally nobody liked Mondays, especially not the sleeping girl. The girl's hazel eyes slowly fluttered open, before she sat up, and rubbed her eye. She looked over at the alarm, rolling her eyes as if she were sick of the beeping device which flashed it's numbers. "Ugh. I hate Mondays, they are so boring. And who wants to go to school on monday? Nobody, especially not me!" She exclaimed to no one, slamming her hand on the clock's button on the table next to her, which caused the beeping noises to stop abruptly.

Flinging her blanket aside, she turned her body to face the side of the bed, before she slid off the rectangular piece of furniture. She turned her head to look out of the window for a second, the blazing sun's rays enveloping her into a very warm and gentle hug. The girl looked unamused by this, and grabbed on to the velvet curtains, pulling them so the sun rays would be blocked. Her room was now sealed away in the darkness. The teenager quickly slid open her closet door, and grabbed her school uniform neatly packed inside, before slamming the closet door shut once again to its former state.

"Ugh, what is it mom?" The brown haired girl asked, clearly annoyed that her mother called her for something she assumed was unnecessary and 'irrelevant'. "Can't you see I'm clearly in the middle of scrolling through instagram?" She fired another question, folding her arms in an annoyed manner. "Now, now, Claudia. I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready downstairs!" A woman with blonde hair, with her hands together and a sincere smile on her face started. "Don't you want to come over and take a look at what I made for you this morning for breakfast?" The woman asked, and turned her gaze towards a table with a plate and a plastic cover on top of it, which was covering the food to keep it away from insects and bugs.

"So? Show me already." Claudia requested with arms still crossed, one of her eyebrows raised as if she was challenging her own mother. However, her mother seemed like she was... used to all of this since the woman still smiled. But past that smile, it was evident that this woman was taken aback by her daughter's harsh and demanding attitude. Nonetheless, she kept calm and walked over to the table, and placed a hand on the handle of the silver cover. She lifted the shining silver semi-sphere, revealing star-shaped donuts with strawberry pink frosting and sugar powder sprinkled on top. It was a sugary treat, perfect to energize someone for the day.

This was enough for Claudia's hazel eyes to light up like stars in a dark night sky. She squealed with delight and rushed over to the sugary donuts, pushing her mother out of the way as she rushed towards the table. She grabbed onto one of the sugary stars, taking a bite out of it before giving it a taste. Yep. Sure did taste like strawberries, cream, sugar, and of course, the donut bread. The 15-year-old girl did not bother to even sit down, as she was too absorbed in the sweetness the sugary treat provided her with. Her mother just watched her from afar, her smile turning upside down into a frown. A frown that expressed concern and distress.

Why was the mother frowning? Simple. Claudia loved eating junk food and anything that was high in calories and fat. And that was definitely not the best diet for a typical 15-year-old girl to have. She was very picky and would refuse to eat anything provided to her that she didn't like especially vegetables. She hated, no. Despited Vegetables. Whenever she got any of it in her meal, she'd just toss it away. And not just the vegetables, the whole meal. Because according to her, the whole meal 'would be infected by the vegetable and have the vegetable's flavor' leftover even if the vegetable has been taken away.

Ah, it was that time of the day. Claudia had just finished up her breakfast. The clock's holographic numbers flashed 7:30, which was the time for Claudia to go to school. What an exciting moment, even if the school was repetitive every single week for 5 days in a row.

"Alright, time for school Claudia." The woman with the blonde hair explained, as she walked over to the dining table and took the plate in front of the brunette, which had sprinkles of sugary power traces left on it. That breakfast, more like dessert must have caused Claudia high glucose levels, as she was still feeling great. "Yeah yeah!" Claudia herself exclaimed, and she seemed excited to go to school. Maybe this was why her mother served her sugary treats, to see her full of joy and happiness. After all, mothers loved to see their children happy. And Claudia's mother was no special exception from the pack.

A good meal sure can fuel someone up, and make their emotions take a positive turn. 

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