Good Boy, Dog

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The beginning of the school year is always the most exciting out of all of them except for maybe the last day. Old friends who haven't seen each other since the previous year could rejoice and comment on how much they missed each other while friends who were constantly in contact greeted each other with insults. The freshmen would be shying away from anyone who talked to them while the seniors were the one who gave sass to anyone who talked to them.

It was easy to spot out the girls who could potentially steal boyfriends by the way they dressed. They would be in their stilettos, too tight of a mini skirt, and a low cut shirt. The conservative ones would constantly be pulling at their shirt so their cleavage didn't show.

The jocks would either be showing off their muscles to the other guys, making out with their athletic girlfriend, or checking out the other species of female. They would admire from afar and whistle when they saw someone with their boyfriend hooked to their side. The girl would usually blush and then the boy would pull her closer to his side.

Outside, everybody would secretly compare cars. The girls would only care about a car if they liked the color while the male population asked every question to decide if they liked it. Anybody riding the bus usually came off laughing or rushing off to their first class.

All of the teachers for the freshmen were the most strict while the seniors' only cared if they showed up. Not much was going to be taught this year.

The new girls, however, were easily spotted out. It took only a week to morph the girls that were from other states, to a Beverly Hill Bimbo. The popular girls knew that it would be impossible to change the new girl.

She walked in like she owned the school and from a freshman's point of view, they would've thought that she did. She held her head up high and smirked as she walked by people. It was obvious that she was playing music on her iPod and that she didn't care if she got caught listening to it.

Her hair was a fire red with the tips a burnt orange. It was obviously dyed and she walked around with most of it tucked in a snapback. She had wire-rimmed glasses on that made her see better and magnified her honey colored eyes. She had one piercing in her eyebrow and a small one in her nostril. She itched at it and twisted it when someone stared.

She was wearing a red plaid shirt that matched her hair perfectly. She had it buttoned all of the way up and her sleeves were rolled up to her elbow. She had black skinny jeans on that were accompanied by black converse. She had a white dingy bag on her shoulder.

Trying to make her feel bad, a popular girl started making fun of what she was wearing. However, the new girl just smirked and laughed along with her. Eventually she left the other girl and she was extremely confused

Her shoes were old and ratty. They had a hole in them that made it sure that everyone saw her socks. The laces were chewed and the ends didn't have an aglet on them. Her shirt was a tad too big and her jeans had an accidental smudge of bleach below her right thigh. Her glasses were also broken and had duct tape wrapped around the frame. The bag was close to ripping at the bottom and was so dirty that anybody could tell it was a hand-me-down.

She didn't seem to care at all though. Instead she walked with her head held high and turned the volume up on her music player.

Once she passed the group of jocks who were taking notice of every girl, she purposely snapped her gum in one of their faces. She smirked and turned around, still walking. She could hear their coos of approval and encouragement. Once she got to her locker, she snapped it open and slammed her bag of nothing in there. She grabbed a piece of gum from her back pocket and popped a piece in her mouth.

"Don't think about it," she said, reaching behind her. As soon as she felt the contact of a wrist, she snapped it back and felt the person squirm to get out of her grasp. She turned around and smirked at them. "Good boy." She teasingly petted his hair and she released his hand. "You want a treat?" The boy looked at her with a confused face and gave him the rest of her freshly-opened pack. She placed it in his shirt pocket and tapped it. "You're such a good boy, dog." She smirked at him and slammed her hip against his when she passed him.

He stood there shocked for a moment and knew that she was insulting him. Either she didn't curse or she just thought it was funnier to treat her like that.

"Tyson!" his buddy, Fisher, called. A group of four or more boys came rushing up to him while laughing their pants off. "Did she reject you? Your wrist is bruised." Tyson looked down and did a semi-smirk.

"We're walking on new territory boys," he said. The other boys arched their eyebrows and continued to joke about their mystery girl.

New territory was right. The boys were completely tired with all of the other girls they had. They had a ton of girls who were throwing themselves at them but this was the first girl to not fall under their spell.


As Tyson, Fisher, and Frankie made their way into homeroom, they all stood frozen as they saw the new girl sitting in the back row of chairs and was looking intently at everything on the board. Fisher and Frankie jokingly elbowed his ribs and then went to sit next to the new girl.

She didn't even seem bothered by them. Most likely because she still had her headphones in.

Tyson scratched his head and yanked on an ear bud. Instantly a song by Simple Plan started playing and the girl snatched her wire out from his hand. She stared nastily at him and was barley smirking at him.

"What do you want, dog?"

The boys wolf whistled at her but she didn't seem to hear them. Tyson shot a death glare towards Fisher and Frankie but they didn't seem to hear him. The girl instantly put her ear buds back in but Tyson yanked them back out.

He knew that he was in trouble when she let her legs drop from the desk and she stood up. She yanked the cord from his hand again and she went nose-to-nose with him

"Don't touch my music. Taking that away from me is like taking a dog's bone." She instantly put her ear buds back in and walked towards the front of the class.

"That's one way to get your seat," Fisher replied. Tyson only shot him a death glare before he started joking around about the cheerleaders.

Once class truly began, the boys shut up for rollcall to see what their mystery girl's name was.

"Katrina Dinell."

"It's Kat-a-rina," she replied. She smirked when the teacher gave a sneer and handed her a detention slip. Most likely for the iPod though.

"Mate," Frankie whispered to Tyson. "Looks like she's the cat and you're her dog!"

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