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you cheered out, stepping off the train onto the busy station platform along with the other boarding passengers. You took a deep breath and sighed in delight, slightly leaning on the handle of your luggage with a grin plastered on your face. 'I can't believe this is actually happening.' you thought as you walked to the bathroom.

You opted out of wearing your uniform while on the ready because you didn't want to get it dirty and that it was a little uncomfortable. Once you got in a stall, you slipped into your uniform and redid your hair. Your once tangled afro was now stuffed into a messy back bun barely held in by a large rubber band. Some piece of hair hung in front of your face, well more like chunks of hair that didn't fit in the bun. You dusted yourself off and walked out the bathroom and station, on your way to the meeting place.

The thought of calling Megumi flashed in your mind but you wanted to surprise him, even though he already knew you were coming. You smirked at your devious idea, Just imagine his surprise when I come from behind. Hehe, watch out Meme-chan.

A few minutes pass and you could see the meeting sight in view. You saw the two other first years, Gojo, and Megumi. There he is! You beamed at the sight of him but rose a brow when you saw pink hair? You squinted your eyes and tried to make out who it was but was interrupted by a hand grabbing your arm. They turned you around and you saw a tall, young man towering over you. He had messy brown hair, an unkept mustache and goatee, green eyes with bags under them, and was in a messy business suit. His whole appearance looked off and sketchy, not to mention he reeked of alcohol.

You shivered in disgust, pulled your arm away from his hand, and took a step back. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually." he said, creeping closer. You frown when you realized you were going to be here for awhile.

Meanwhile, Megumi was keeping an eye out for you. He scanned the crowds for you as he and the other three waited for you patiently. Itadori himself was looking around for a student in a uniform as he felt himself growing impatient. "Hey, do you know when the other first year is coming?"

Megumi glanced at him before looking back at the crowd. "She should be here any minute now."

Itadori perked up, "She?"

"Yeah, why?"

"N-No reason." Itadori shivered at the thought of another girl in his grade after meeting Nobara. Ironically she was standing right beside him and noticed his shiver. Her brows met, "Huh? Why did you just shiver?"


Gojo pouted and leaned on the wall behind, still looking around for you. "Aaah, I hate waiting." he whined childishly. Megumi rolled his eyes in response and kept looking, his eyes landing on your figure in a matter of seconds. He turned to your direction but paused when he saw what you were doing. A small crowd had gathered around you and the man who grabbed you but instead of you both standing, you had him pinned down to the ground with his face smooshed in with the road. He was wailing as your foot pressed on his face harder, your glare never leaving.

Megumi sweatdropped at the sight while Gojo only laughed, clutching his stomach with one hand and throwing his head back. This caught the attention of Nobara and Itadori causing them to turn to you as well.

"Let go of me!" the man wailed, a single tear in his eye.

"Huh, now you want me to go?" you clicked your teeth and pulled his face up from the ground. You stared into his eyes with a devious glint in your own. "Ha, don't think you can tap out now. We're just getting started."

Megumi sighed, his head hung low as Nobara watched with a smirk. Itadori only stared at you with the most dumbfounded look. He couldn't believe you were here, what were the odds he'd even meet you again. What shocked him the most was what you were doing, you looked completely badass. You had a pervert pinned down under you with the littlest effort in the middle of street with people cheering you on. All he could say was, "Wow."

"Hey! What's going on here!" you blinked rapidly at the sound of another male voice. You turned to the two cops running towards the crowd, aka you!

"Shitshitshitshit!" you cursed, dropping the guy on the ground. He groan on impact as you booked it towards Megumi, leaving the cops in the dust. You ignored the states you got from everyone else and hid behind Megumi, clutching to his arm like a baby as your head was behind his back. "Meme-chan! I'm busted, the fez got me!"

"What fez?! Let go of me!"

"No, stay still!" you hissed, your eyes glued to the cops. They helped up the man and scanned the area for you before running towards another direction away from you. You sighed in relief and let go of Megumi. "God! Thought I was a goner..."

"What the hell was that?" Megumi hollered, hitting your arm. You winced in pain, whining as you rubbed the spot he hit you. "Ow! What's your problem, Meme-chan?" you pout.

"You haven't even been in town for more than half and hour and you're already getting in trouble with the authorities."

"That wasn't my fault!" you argued, "That random guy grabbed me and pushed his face real close to mine. So tell me, what am I supposed to do then, hm?"

You and Megumi continued to bicker in the corner of the lockers, while the rest of the group watched either entertained or still shocked at what went down. Nobara's eye twitched; she could comprehend what was going on. "It's like they're little kids..."

Gojo snickered at the scene before clapping his hands, flashing his signature smile. "Alright, alright! Let's settle down."

Hearing this, you pushed Megumi away from you and walked towards Gojo. "Also, I'm sorry for being late, Sensei."

Gojo waved off your apology in response, "Ah, Don't worry about it! Seems like you had your hands full anyway."

"Hey, Megumi." Itadori whispered, creeping up beside Megumi, who was rubbing off the hand print you left on his face. He turned to Itadori with an annoyed look. "What?"

"How do you know, Y/N?"

Megumi rose a brow, "Seems like I should be asking you that question."

"Hey, I asked first."

Megumi rolled his eyes before answering, "Family friends, that's all you need to know."

"Aww, come on!" Itadori whined, stepping closer to his fellow first year. Megumi flinched, moving back. "You gotta tell me more!"

"Hm? Don't tell me," you looked over and found yourself staring at Itadori. He flinched when he saw you but you grinned in contrast.

"Ah, Pinky! Long time no see!"

𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 '𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋, y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now