Chapter 37 - Prom Scene

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Edward's Volvo pulls up. He helps Bella out of the car and begins to guide her through the dining room. Mr. Molina and the other teachers are there. Dorothea gave her brother a quick smile before pulling Jasper to Rosalie and Emmet's side.

"Look at you. I'm so proud to have you as my sister." Rosalie had brought Dorothea into a compressed hug making her suffocate with Emmet and Jasper chortling at the sight. "You're the beauty here, Rose. You look like a greek goddess!"

"Oh, always good with your words. You're going to make me blush."

"Guys, come quick. There's a photoshoot, I want a family one!" Alice's bubbly voice calls over for them with Dean by her side talking to the cameraman. Dorothea slowly walks her way towards them behind Rosalie and Emmet, one hand lifting her dress for better movement while scanning her surrounding in glee with Jasper beside her, holding her hand and aiding the best he can, just to make sure she doesn't get lost.

Eric at the turntables, making the room bounce! Next to him, Angela wears the headphones, flipping through a stack of vinyl. The room was filled with fun and a hit of chaos with gaming tables and roulette wheels. Guys in tuxes and girls in gowns gamble for prizes, dance, and socialize.

After a quick family picture, one formal with the boys having their arms around their mate, the sweetness and genuine smile on everyone. 

While the other is a childish one, you have Alice posing like a model as her body bend in weird places, Emmet and Dean wrestling on the ground from their small bicker, Rosalie was completely disappointed as she tried to shield her face in embarrassment, Dorothea making silly faces with her tongue stuck out and eyes crossed,  Jasper laughing at her side that his head bends back slightly.

They all head to the dance fall, soon after.

A gap was somehow formed by the students when the Cullens sibling entered, Dean and Alice dancing with so much silliness with each other, Rose and Emmet staying calm and composed during the dance while Jasper and Dorothea simply gracefully sway around with eyes on each other.

Around them, the teenagers stared at them in awe while Rosalie and Alice caught Bella's eyes on them amidst their dance. Rosalie glances over, indifference replaced by fury, but Alice waves brightly.

Bella returns it with a smile gradually walking her way to Dorothea and Jasper, hauling Edward with her for encouragement. "Even with that leg cast, you still look beautiful Bella." Dorothea greets them with her famous sincere smile while Jasper just gave them a nod with his hands on his mate's waist, not really wanting to start a conversation with them.

"T-Thank you. Edward told me everything that had happened in the ballet studio, -" Bella was a shuttering mess, from time to time glancing at Dorothea while the girl glared at Edward for exposing the truth, thinking it was safer to keep her clueless with merely the thought she is fine now. "I'm sorry. For everything, I did before, from I how acted around you guys and-"

"You are forgiven. It's a normal reaction, Bella."

Bella was stunned hearing those words, expecting herself to go over her limit to get the girl to forgive her, but what was more shocking for her is when Dorothea pulled her into a hug, she was stiff for a few seconds before hugging back.

"Now, go on. Before Eddy here gets envious of his own sister. I have a date myself to give attention to." Jasper chuckled, giving Dorothea a quick peck on the lips making Bella blush at the action before rushing off with Edward following behind.

Wrapping her arm around Jasper's neck to resume their dancing, both had huge grins on their face. Dorothea started a soft conversation between them, wanting to fill him up but also not wanting to ruin the mood, "More crises are coming. We'll make it won't we?" / "What do you mean, love?"

"Victoria is still missing. Going to the Volturi, meeting Aro. And more, in just a year. Will you still dwell by my side?"

"Through thick and thin." Slowing brings Jasper down to her height, teasing him by gazing at her lips on his. Jasper had let out a soft growl before smashing their lips together, another make-out session in the middle of the dance floor. "Let's get out of here. No one will notice."

Dorothea didn't get a say, as Jasper was quick to carry her on his shoulder and then walk out of the prom night, disregarding the stares and just focusing on Dorothea's laughter behind him.

"Remember you two have a curfew!"

"Bring her back with no scratch Jasper. I swear I kill you!"

Dean's teasing voice can be heard alongside Emmet's stern voice. In the corner of Dorothea's eyes she can see Edward and Bella whirl around, gliding on his grace, never looking away from one another, seeing them happy made her relax a little.

(ɔ˘ ³(¬̀ ₒ ́¬c)

Unknown to them someone's watching it, looking down from the window of a second-floor hotel room in the Inn. The music wafting up in echoes. pull back to reveal Victoria, turning from the window.

She's stylishly dressed now, but seething a low, sinister snarl in the back of her throat. If you look carefully into her blood-red eyes, it glows darkly watching them as it's filled with a vengeance for her mate. She wasn't going to go easy on them in the future.

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