Chapter 39 - Birthday Disaster

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New Moon

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New Moon

The year 2006

Dorothea quietly walks behind her brother and the mortal, they were too busy examining the picture and in their conversation to notice the red-haired behind them. She inspects the big picture, a smile gradually expanding on her face at the memories the picture held.

She remembered Cauis groaning like a baby but a second later, posing like a mafia that everyone feared. Marcus always had a dejected look on his face but with Dorothea's request, he gave a miniature grin that wasn't much noticeable, but the effort was there. Carlisle stood beside Dorothea, with his chest puffed out, hoping to look strong and intimidating.

Meanwhile, Aro and Dorothea sat on their thrones beside each other. Aro did smile at the picture, but he gave a more wicked and evil vibe than Dorothea's innocent caring smile.

Dorothea loved this picture, despite her family member being terrified of the picture, reminiscing back to when they had a huge discussion about if the picture should be put up.

"The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers." / "Of what?"

"The only rule they have: to keep secret the existence of our kind... We don't make spectacles of ourselves or kill conspicuously unless we want to die." Dorothea's mind went back to a past she remembers thanks to Edwards's words.

Dorothea had watched as two Volturi Guards appear on either side of the nomad, holding him down as Aro easily detaches the head and tosses it aside. Aro calmly sits as the others tear the nomad limb from limb. Carlisle has to look away while Dorothea didn't even blink, though her child-like sensation had been forgotten.

"Don't even -- talk about that. You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else."

Dorothea took this as a cue to vacate them alone, yet Edward was able to capture her presence, Dorothea and he made quick eye contact, she only responded to her brother with a small smile before walking off to find her family.

(ɔ˘ ³(¬̀ ₒ ́¬c)

Alice tugs Bella and Edward to the top of a platform and then skips down the stairs. Hundreds of pink candles and rose-filled crystal bowls filled the leaving room, an exact replica of Alice and Dorothea's vision of the party.

Rose, Esme, Emmet, Carlisle, Dean, Alice, Jasper, and Dorothea look up at the new couple, all of them stunningly beautiful, Bella can't help but feel a little insecure at the sight. Bella would love to disappear, but Edward leads her back to reality when  Esme and Carlisle went up to them, hugging Bella warmly. "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in."

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