Origins Part One

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A girl with brown hair and purple glasses wearing a green sweater with a smiley face on. She had black leggings on. Her white shoes had ladybug printed shoes.

She was placing a plate of cookies on a table.

The girl is in a movie theatre.

"that's it. I think everything is finally ready!" The girl exclaimed

The girl turns to the front of the room where there was a big projector and under the screen was a table where a computer was hooked up to.

She walked up to the front and snapped her fingers and Marinette and Adrien's class appear in beanbags that are personalized.

The class was unconscious so she waited about thirty seconds before the class started to stir.

The first to fully wake up was Marinette.

Marinette looked around frantically when she realized she wasn't alone and her class was with her she jumped up.

Before she could do anything Alya started to wake up on her own.

Marinette was quickly at her side.

"Alya are you okay?"

Alya nods "yeah. Are you okay?"

"yes, but where are we?" Marinette asks

"a movie theatre?" Alya answers

They start to notice everyone else started to wake up.

It takes a few moments to get everyone fully awake then everything became chaos.

"Where are we?"

"What is even happening?"

"Hey quiet!"

Everyone turns at the last voice.

"Who are you?" Marinette asks her voice strained.

"My name? That's what you want to know? Fine, my name is Kali. Now as for what you're doing here, I was just bored. Don't worry nothing bad will happen to any of you." The girl tells them

"where are we?" Marinette questions

"I brought you to a movie theatre. Now time is moving for your universe has slowed to the point where when you return nobody will ever know you were gone." Kali explains

"Now take a seat" Kali orders

Everyone looks around and sat down in the spot where they woke up moments ago.

"now I am going to show you one of my favourite shows! Even if it has its issues but that's a topic for another day." Kali turns on the projector.

On the screen appeared a video.

"Today we will watch Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Kali told the class with a smile her eyes light up with excitement.

The class blinked at her.

"Ladybug has her own show?" Alya asks

"Ladybug and Cat Noir have a show" Kali corrects

"oh since when?" Alya asks

Marinette and Adrien share a similar look of fascination and confusion.

"well at least in my world they do" Kali shrugs

The look of confusion the class gives her she ignores.

"We are gonna start at the end and then watch the rest of the season from there because for some reason they thought airing the origins at the end of the season was a good idea."

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