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New was at work and currently taping in Phaya Thai when Jack talked to the director and excused New.

"Okay, guys let's take a five-minute break." The director announced.

"New!" Jack called New and the latter ran towards him.

"Yes, Phi?"

"A call from Mint." He gave New's phone to him.

New took it immediately. He and Mint talked that whenever there's an emergency, whatever time it is, and wherever New may be, she must call him. This is the first time she called without asking first if he can talk to New while he is at work, so he thought it must be important.

"Mint?" New asked with worry.

"New..." Mint said quietly. It is obvious that she has been crying.

"What is it? Talk to me."

"New. There's blood. There's blood."

When New heard blood, he felt scared. "Where are you? I'll get you."

"I'm here at MMG. Hurry, New, please. My baby." Mint said in between heavy sobs.

"Okay. Calm down, Mint. I'll be there as soon as I can." He hung up the call and looked at Jack.

Jack heard New and he already understood what New was about to do so he just nodded. He immediately got his own car keys from his pocket since New's things are in the tent a few meters away from where they are standing. "Take my car. Go. Be careful driving. You should arrive there safely."

New took the keys and sprinted towards the car. He drove as fast as the traffic let him and within 25 minutes, he arrived in MMG building.

Mint was already sitting at the reception area. She was crying and New rushed to her. He knelt in front of her and said, "Mint. Let's go. I'll bring you to the hospital. Can you walk?"

She tried to stand but she was so weak, so New decided to carry her on his back and brought her to the car. He fixed her seatbelt and rushed to the driver's seat and drove away.


New came back to Mint after he left her for a while in the car to buy her drinks and snacks. He proceeded to the passenger's side and opened the door. She found Mint sitting at peace and she smiled at him.

"Thank you, New. I don't know what I would do without you." She said as she reached for the bottle of water.

"No problem. At least the doctor said it's just normal for pregnant women. You and baby are safe now. But still, it's a good thing you called me. Anytime you need me, Mint, don't hesitate to call me."

Mint looked at him with so much admiration. "Thank you, New. I'm sorry I have to depend on you when you're not even my baby's father."

"I might as well be." Mint's eyes widened by New's response. "I'm the only one here when the father is nowhere to be found now."

For a second, Mint hoped. But after what New said, she was pulled back into reality. Of course New is only here because I forced him. He took responsibility of me when he shouldn't have. I couldn't possibly hope for more than that.

New noticed the sudden change of expression in Mint's face. "Hey, are you okay?" He held Mint's cheeks as a gesture of making her look at him.

At the sudden touch, Mint's face reddened and her heartbeat became faster. New, stop. I'm falling even more. She shifted her face to loosen New's touch. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry." She gave him a thrifty smile.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now