Say what?

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Rose's POV
I woke up this morning. Just another day in the Dursley household where I've been forced to stay since my mother died. I don't understand why I couldn't go anywhere else. They HATE me. It's been horrible since Harry left. He was like a best friend to me . But I have to make do. I go to school with Dudley where I don't really fit in with anyone . I'm always getting pushed around and bullied . I just wish I could escape this reality. It never feels like I can get a break. It's always me getting pushed down and belittled and treated like a servant. But somehow. It is always my fault. Dudley runs into my room screaming "Wake UP!" I jolt awake . "Really Dudley !" I wish he would just leave me alone . He does it everyyy day . I get up and go down for breakfast to set the table . On my way down I stop to check the mail.  Just normal daily mail, I look through it praying it will one day hold a ticket to escape. Anywhere is better than here . Looking thru the mail I come across a letter with my name on it. I give the Dursley's their  mail when Dudley snatches my letter from my hand . "Look! Look! Rose got a letter !" "Give it back!" I shouted. "Wby should I ? Who would send you mail anyways?" Mr. Dursley grabs the letter. "Not again " . "What what is it ?" I ask. He throws the letter into the fire . At that point I was filled with anger. Who was he to just burn MY mail like that?  I turn to my room before being told to clean the table . I quickly do the dishes and run grab my school bag before trying to rush out the door. School may not be the best but it's better than being here . Before I could get out the door a large bang comes on the door. The Dursley's and I jump at the sound. They seem a lot more scared than I am tho. Soon a large man I remember to be Hagrid walks in. He told me I was accepted to Hogwarts and to get my stuff together . "Say what?" I was confused. I mean I knew Harry was a wizard. But I'm not a witch! No way. I'm just a normal girl. He continues to tell me that my mother was a wizard and it's my time to write my own story at Hogwarts just as she did. I finally agree and get my stuff together. Like I said, I'd be thankful to be anywhere but here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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