Chapter 41 - Italy, Other Family

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New Moon

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New Moon

The year 2006

"We're relocating?"

It's early in the next morning, Dorothea was hoping things would go back to normal, where they just go to school like a regular high school student but today is modified. Edward had insisted that they leave Forks, and the family had seated themselves in the living room listening hard at Edward's suggestion as he stood in front of everyone.

Ignoring Emmet's question Dorothea spoke up first. "I won't stop your decision Eddy but please think this thoroughly. You might be doing this for her safety but have you considered how she would deem after vowing to be there for her?"

"Dorothea is right. Give it a day first Edward, you kids don't have to go to school today." Carlisle had agreed with his youngest making Edward pacify his thought but his eyes just show how stubborn he is to leave Forks, that's when Dorothea knew the destiny isn't changing, they all will be leaving Forks tomorrow.

"That topic aside. Are you and Jasper ready?" Esme had provided the couple with a sweet yet worried smile, turning everyone's attention to them now. Jasper and Dorothea will be departing for Italy tomorrow, promising to visit the Volturi.

"I'm great and a somewhat nervous-" Dorothea carefully moves her eyes to her mate nearby her, holding onto his knuckles to softly say "-You don't have to come if you don't desire to Jas." Jasper brought Dorothea's hands to his lips for a delicate kiss before beaming back at the girl. "I'll follow you anyway, darling. If meeting them means I can have you entirely as my wife then I'll go."

Esme and Alice are in awe at how lovey-dovey they can be while Rose just nods in approval at Jasper's words.

"Go talk to her after school before leaving Eddy. Promise me that at least." Dorothea spoke to the nail-biting vampire who in acknowledgment just nods his head. "Well, since you all are skipping school today. Let's have a spring cleaning-" Emmet and Dean instantly sprint out of the house distinguishing Esme's words, Edward grumbled but didn't attempt to escape like his brothers.

Meanwhile, Carlisle gave an inconvenient chuckle at his wife's glancing at him, before creating some ridiculous excuse to leave the house.

"We should start preparing. I'm sorry, I assure you to help the next spring cleaning." Dorothea addressed up rather fast, not allowing Esme but her to talk after Carlisle left the room, quickly hauling a laughing Jasper behind her to their room.

( ͡• ᴗ ͡•)

Jasper is collecting the books they were going to bring to Italy while Dorothea was in charge of their clothes. The bedroom was in a pleasant silence with mellow music operating in the background, both doing their tasks peacefully with a grin on their face. "It's been long since we travel alone just the two of us."

Dorothea's chuckle raised at the slight excitement, "Only for a few hours, honey. Then our eyesight would be filled with thirsty blood-drinking vampires... Are sure about this?" Dorothea pauses mid the sentence, identifying something critical.

Jasper delicately put down a stack of books on the bed before trudging off to his mate, arms on her waist from behind as he burry his face at her exposed neck. "Why are you stressing, darling?"

"You just beginning to get a hang of this new diet. Going to Italy, you will be disclosed to human blood." Jasper took a deep inhale of her scent before answering the girl's disturbances. "It's going to be challenging. That's no lie but as long as you are near me. I promise that's the least of the problems."

Dorothea nonchalantly nods her head, putting her hands on Jasper's as they softly swing side to side with the background melody, it went on like that for a few minutes before turning into a full-off dance.

With Jasper's hands on her waist and Dorothea's on his shoulder, her laughter crowded the room as her dress elegantly flow around, Jasper having his famous smirk as his eyes never left the beauty in front of him. "This is going to be a wonderful journey. Trust me so there is nothing to bother about."

"Yes, especially when Em and Dean aren't around to disturb the fun."

"Couldn't agree more."

( ͡• ᴗ ͡•)

Right at that moment, Jasper and Dorothea held hands as they stood in front of the airport. Their family was there to greet them off, some with tears while others were mostly worried for their newest member of the family.

"Promise to write every day! And don't forget to keep away from troubles!" Esme hugged them both roughly while sniffling as she felt like sending her children off, Carlisle attached to her while nodding his head but his eyes kept still on Jasper before grinning at his daughter.

They moved behind for Rose and Emmet to step forward, Emmet had put Jasper in a neck hold while stroking his hair rather brutally while Rose explained to Dorothea things she would like back from their travels. "I heard there's renowned quality silk there. Can you get it for me?"

"Take great care of my sis, Jas. Guide her back with no scratch, are you hearing?" Alice and Dean were next, both didn't tell much just wishing them well and a few teasing here and there.

"Now that we won't be there to disturb you, go easy on her-" / "Yes, that's right. But don't disregard protection-"

"We get it!! Go away!" Dorothea could only giggle despite feeling a little bashful and embarrassed but no one needs to know that besides Jasper of course.

Edward stood up after the couple left, he hesitated at first on what to do but Dorothea took the lead to hug her brother, having a slight problem with the height differences. "I don't want to see you anywhere, particularly in Italy until 7 months are up, got it?"

Edward furnished a confused look at his sister but Dorothea shifts the topic away, permitting Jasper to pat Edward's back before saying their goodbyes one more time to the family. Jasper got their bags, heading to their destined gate while Dorothea waved childly at her family, walking background until they were out of sight.

"We going to still see him right? With Bella and Alice?"

Dorothea looped around, finally putting out her fake mask as concern filled her expression. "That exact. Aro will discover everything from there. Even my faults." The male placed a soft peck on her temple, muttering about how it was never her fault. Dorothea granted out a sigh but once her eyes laid on Jasper's face who was scanning their fake passport, she couldn't help but smile. "We'll trouble about that once we come across it. Till then let's enjoy this travel together"

Dorothea cheerfully skips her way while swinging Jasper's hands with hers.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now