Chapter 42

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The 10 hours of flight would have been exhausting for some, exceptionally those who can't fall asleep but for Jasper and Dorothea it was overindulged with entertainment and games for the couple, many make-out sessions were being made, and playful teasing by the male.

Upon arriving in Italy, they were immediately greeted by the Volturi guard's twins, Jane, and Alec. Dorothea squeezed Jasper on his arm as comfort before hastening off to hug Alec who had his arms open wide to welcome them, while Jane and Jasper just stare at each other like they were going to pounce into aggression any second now.

"How was the trip? I hope it was very pleasant or Aro won't be pleased" / "Don't worry, it's the best flight I ever had." Alec had a big goofy smile on his face at Dorothea's response before assisting to carry out a few bags.

"Jane, how have you been?" Jane divided the glaring contest with Jasper to gaze at Dorothea, she didn't respond, just scoffed before marching off. Alec followed behind his sister granting the couple a moment together.

"Well, she friendly isn't she?" / "Don't take it to heart, Jassie. She's just a little bitter in there." Jasper just shook his head but smirk at the girl, giving her a quick peck before leading her off to the twin.

The whole car ride was quite uncomfortable to say, mostly for Jane and Jasper since Alec and Dorothea got trapped in their conversation like long-time friends.

Jasper would evermore smile when Dorothea take a glimpse at him to show he was excellent but other times he would just concentrate on the outside landscape, Jane did the same but seldom can hear her snicker or scoff at the dialogue occurring in the car.

( ͡• ᴗ ͡•)

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the Volturi's coven!" When Jasper had helped Dorothea out of the car, the main door directly smashes open emerging 3 heads, as Aro passionately welcomed them to his headquarters

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"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the Volturi's coven!" When Jasper had helped Dorothea out of the car, the main door directly smashes open emerging 3 heads, as Aro passionately welcomed them to his headquarters.

Jasper at first would have considered being frightened standing in front of someone as charismatic as them but Dorothea was there beside him to ease down his emotions, persuading him they won't harm him if she was around.

Dorothea gave her maker a genuine smile along with Marcus and Caius.

The couple leisurely made their way nearer to the greeter, Aro examining each of them thoroughly from head to toe with his disturbing grin before ordering his people to bring their items of luggage to Dorothea's room.

"Come inside first you must be exhausted!"

They didn't try to dispute the higher, just agreeing with trailing after him while Marcus and Caius followed behind them speechlessly, surprisingly. But Dorothea was more in glee seeing Aro's excitement as he kept speaking an octave higher than usual.

The tour had begun from there, Jasper listening attentively to everything like there was going to be a big examination later on while Dorothea would calmly start a short conversation with the people behind her. Marcus would always respond to the girl while Caius delivered his answers through an annoyed expression which Dorothea would softly chuckle at.

The tour had concluded at the Volturi splendid throne room, Aro skillfully turns around, his cape swirling a little bit. His eyes wander to everyone in the room before opening up the request something he has been aching to say the moment he laid eyes with the vampires. "May I go through your memories?"

Jasper had delayed a moment as he stares down at Aro's open palm, waiting for his. Looking back at Dorothea who participated in the same emotion but was better at concealing it, slowly she wraps her hands around Jasper's arm before nodding at her mate.

Unbeknownst but only to Jasper, Dorothea wasn't just wrapping her arm to comfort her lover. But uses her power secretively to block unwanted past reading, mostly the part where they talk about Edward and Bella, or her powers.

Aro had pushed forward Jasper's hand a little closer to his face as he browses through his memories, seeing how the vampire lived when he was human and to the moment he was turned. Aro's smile grew bigger when he started seeing his precious Dorothea in the man's memories, how their first meeting went, kisses and how their intimate moment had happened.

Aro had signed in approval at Jasper before letting go of the man to look back to his brothers. "Brothers! We shall embrace this young fellow into our family, kindly as he had stolen our cherished's heart and soul. I approve of this relationship!"

"But he has a diverse diet! How is he going to persevere dinner with us?!" Caius spoke up, finding an excuse not to accept Jasper but Dorothea simply solve the problem with her kind tone and manners "Carlisle had provided some animal blood bag for Jasper. Thank you for your concerns, Uncle Caius."

The man let out an irritated scoff while Aro grins boastfully at how Dorothea settled the obstacle without any fight.

Everyone then turns to Marcus for his verdict on the couple, the man face's was poker at first but seeing how tight Dorothea held onto Jasper and how Jasper gazes at Dorothea with all his world, he gave an honest smile. "I don't repudiate. Young love. Oh, how I envy it."

Dorothea had furnished a bitter smile at the man but kept mute. Changing the subject, knowing all this might be too much for Jasper, "Then pardon our manners. I shall bring Jasper to my room, so we shall get prepared for tonight. I'm sure your schedule is packed and things to establish."

Aro gave Dorothea a single nod of agreement with his huge smile. The 3 dominant vampires patrol as the couple gently walk out of the throne room with hands and arms around each other, they had held their heads high with pride seeing Jasper and Dorothea.

"If we can have Dorothea back in our coven. Not only will we get Alice, but that man's great abilities also. He seems to follow around Dorothea blindly with love." Aro smirked once the couple was out of sight, and Caius bowed in recognition as they will gain more powers, however, Marcus's stone face went back but privately worried for Dorothea and Jasper.

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