Chapter 1

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Its been 10 years since yuzu and mei got married they made a handsome boy named mokuro hes already 13 years old he has an older brother named makuto 16 years old

Makuro is a blonde boy with green eyes he has yuzu's bubbly personality always happy and cheerful, makuto has purple hair with purple eyes, he has a serious and scary personality he inherited it from mei, he is the student council president and hes following his mothers footsteps but mokuro is the opposite hes always distracted and never focused

"BOYSS WAKE UP YOU HAVE SCHOOL" yuzu shouted calling for her sons she saw mokuro running down the stairs his tie is loosed and his uniform and hair a mess he stumbled and landed on his butt while makuto was walking down the stairs with a red band, great posture his uniform is well kept and has his blank face he just ignored mokuro and sat down

"Gosh mokuro what happened" yuzu said she helped fix her son and continued eating mei saw her boys and shaked her head she pecked yuzus lips and finished eating

"Were gonna be late mokuro hurry up" makoto said as he was already leaving the house mei kissed her sons goodbye

"bye boys and dont cause any trouble" both of them nodded

"By mother" makuto and mokuro waved them good bye while walking they saw shinjo, mitsuki, haruti and hasura

Makuto is a half wolf half jaguar and mokuro is pure wolf

Shinjo is the son of shai and himeko hes a momokino (hes half wolf half chihuahua)

Mitsuki is maruta and mitsukos daughter shes a taniguchi (half coyote half puma)

While hasura and haruti are the daughter of matsuri and harumin shes a mizusawa (both are half fox half bunny)

"Hey guys" shinjo said moruko waved smiling widely while makuto waved without a smile

"Hi makuto" haruti said sweetly makuto smiled slightly but walked away with a clipboard in his hand, his tail swished back and forth as he walked

"Cold as usual" mitsuki mumbled

"So did you hear that are having dinner at your mansion" hasura said to mokuro and makuto

"Yes we did" shinjo and the rest agreed while talking and having fun hasura saw someone

"H-hey its aku" she said aku is a bully who messes with them everyday mokuro gets beaten up but he doesnt wanna tell his older brother since hes busy and doesnt wanna interrupt him

"Bitch!" Aku yelled they chose to ignore him but he grabbed mokuros hair and punched him

"Next time dont ignore me you fucker!" He chuckled evily, shinjo growled at him but all of them ended up getting beaten

"Stupid bitch" aku finally left them mokuro looked to see if his brother saw and he thanked the lords he left to the student council office he doesnt want him to see his state he got up weakly and went to his class along with his friends

"You guys okay" hasura asked they nodded everyday they get beaten up by aku but chose to stay silent they dont want there parents to worry too much

After class
Mokuro and his friends were walking they almost reached outside the school when aku came grabbing he collar using his vampire speed since hes vampire

"Hey loser missed me" he said with a smirk mokuro spat at him

"WHY YOU LITTLE" he punched him hard making him cough blood his friends couldnt do anything but stare

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