3- I'm home

168 11 7

Zeng Keni

Why does it feels like someone is staring at me, I don't want to open my eyes yet, I know that I slept at the couch but it is rarely visited corner in the house, I ignored it and continue my sleep. A minute later I feel like someone stroking my hair my eyes are still closed didn't want to open my eyes.

"You still sleeps like a baby" She said, I can't believe that I'll be able to hear that voice again, so I continue pretending to be asleep "I know you are already awake baobei" she then kissed my lips.

"Wakey wakey, I cooked your favourite food, the others are also waiting for us, come on baby wake up" I hesitated to open my eyes, afraid that this is just another dream, afraid that if I open my eyes she'll disappear again.

So I slowly open and see her kneeling to the ground and staring at my face "finally! Let's go?" She stand up and turn her back on me then before she could make her way to the dinning room I questioned her.

"Why are you here?" I blurted, I gulp as I wait for her answer, she faced me and show me her brightes trapezoid smile, my god I missed that but I can't just forgive that she left me all alone, those two whole year without her.

"Isn't this our house? Am I not welcome at my own house?" She said still smiling, her voice is like a music, my ears are pleased to hear her calming and soothing voice.

"Come on now, let's get you to the table" she then offer her hands to help me stand up, but what scares me is, once I hold that hands of her I'll never let it go again and just forget those years she give me pain, I bit my lips as I'm still having a second thought.

"Come on now, let's get you to the table" she then offer her hands to help me stand up, but what scares me is, once I hold that hands of her I'll never let it go again and just forget those years she give me pain, I bit my lips as I'm still having...

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She grabbed her hair and bend down a little bit just to level her face to me, fuck why does it feel so unreal, I grabbed her hands and when I stood up she disappears I looked around and saw that this isn't my house, where am I?

I looked around as I hear some strumming, I walk through the empty halway and peep into one of the doors where I hear a guitar playing when I opened it, there I saw her playing her guitar again.

I looked around as I hear some strumming, I walk through the empty halway and peep into one of the doors where I hear a guitar playing when I opened it, there I saw her playing her guitar again

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