Arguments - Stiles

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Stiles x reader

Scott x sister reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 676

Summary: Scott and Y/n's fathers coming to town


"Please don't argue with him." Y/n grabbed Scott's arm begging him.

"Y/n you remember what he did?!" Scott yells looking down at his sister

"Yes! Kinda can't forget after what- what I saw him do to you and then what- what happened to me." she answered. Although her voice was shaky remembering what happened when they were little.

"Y/n/n- I'm sorry." Scott sighed giving her a sad look

"Don't, Scott. Don't it happened to you to...I just- don't want him here either but I also don't want all the fighting." Y/n pleaded

Scott stepped forward and moved his hands up to her arms "you can't avoid fighting Y/n. It's sadly part of life."

"I just wish this fight could be avoided. There was so much fighting about it before he left. It was enough for a lifetime." Y/n explained looking anywhere but her brother hoping he wouldn't see the tears that fell.

"I know Y/n/n, I know." he mumbled, pulling her into a hug.

"What's going on?" Stiles asked entering the McCall household. But once he saw Y/n though his actions changed "why are you crying?" he asked rushing over to her. Pulling her out of Scott's embrace, checking her over.

"Our dads coming to town today and is staying here." Scott explained to their friend with a pained expression.

"You want to stay with me for a bit. Till he leaves town again?" Stiles asked looking to Y/n and then back to Scott.

Scott nods "I know I'd feel better, and I'm sure mom would to."

Y/n started shaking her head "I don't want to intrude-"

Stiles cupped her face "It's cute that you think that this is even a question."

"Will your dad mind?" Y/n asked

"I'm sure he won't." he pulled her into his side

"Why don't you two go pack a bag for her and I'll call mom." Scott suggested. Stiles and Y/n headed up to her room to pack her an overnight bag. Meanwhile, Scott pulled out his phone to call their mom.

^ ^ ^


-Yeah, that'd be fine with me.

-Did he ask his father

-Well, I'm with him, I could ask.

She turned to Stiles' dad and asked "Would you be ok with Y/n and occasionally Scott staying at your place for a while since their father is coming to town?"

"Absolutely." Mr. Stilinski nodded smiling at Melissa

"Thank you" Melissa thanked him

"Don't worry about it." he nodded smiling

^ ^ ^

"So where is Y/n." Rafe asked after a long period of silence at the dinner table.

"Y/n is staying at a friend's house." Melissa answers pushing around her food with her fork

"I would've preferred her to be here." he replied in a tone that Scott could only call condescending

"Why? It's not like you really care." Scott interjects

"Scott-" Melissa starts but he cuts her off

"No, mom. It's true." Scott looked to his mom knowing she couldn't deny it. "You know what. I'm done. Thanks for dinner mom I'm gonna head over to Stiles' now." and with that, he left. But not before giving his dad a nasty look.

"I have the graveyard shift so I won't be here in the morning or afternoon tomorrow." Melissa started to her son before he closed the side door, while she started getting up from the table.

"So both of them don't want to be anywhere near me, huh?" Rafe asked bitterly after Scott slammed the door on his way out.

"Well, you did a lot to them and then just left. So yeah, they want nothing to do with you." she answered in an annoyed tone.

He tried to start "you kicked me out-"

"I did but if you wanted to apologize I would've let you. But you completely left. You never called them. You can't expect them to want to listen now after so many years." Melissa stated grabbing her purse ad leaving the house. And leaving Rafe to his thoughts.

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