I Will Follow You Wherever He Sends You - Isaac

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Isaac Lahey x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 424

Summary: Isaac being told by your dad that he is not allowed to see you anymore


"Isaac -stop" I giggled as Isaac ran his hands up and down my sides

"How can I stop when you make such adorable noises like that" he said while kissing my neck

"Because our parents aren't friends or at least weren't friends and you got arrested before which they hate even though the cop's said they were wrong" I told him before kissing his neck working my way down as far as I could considering he is now on top of me.

"I know your parents are strict. And I don't have any" he said the last part in a sad tone.

I reached up cupping the side of his face"You mean annoyingly strict" I said with a lopsided smile then we started making out again. We started to take off our clothes. As things got even more heated.

"Y/n can you run to the store an-" my dad said looking at his phone as he entered my room

"What the HELL IS THIS?" my dad yelled as he looked up from his phone

"Dad listen-" I tried to cut in and explain as me and Isaac pulled apart.

"No, what the hell is going on?" he yelled again

"Mr.Y/L/N I can explain" Isaac tried to explain to my dad but got cut off like I did

"No get the hell out" he yelled at Isaac



We both tired at the same time

"No, you" he pointed at Isaac "out. And you are never to see my daughter again. And you" he turned his finger pointing at me. "If I find out you ever see him again other then at school I will ship you off to a boarding school in London."

"But dad-" I tried again

"No buts. Get dressed. Both of you" he said sternly before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry Isaac" I apologized I feel like I have to, it is my dad after all

"No, you have nothing to be sorry about" Isaac said grabbing his shirt from the floor

"But m-my dad-" I stuttered out

"I don't care what he says"

"Isaac-" I started but he cut me off and stopped putting his clothes on and turning to face me

"I don't care. If he sends you to London I will follow. In school, we can talk, kiss, makeout. This is not the end of us I won't let it be" Isaac said looking me in the eye's cupping my cheeks.

"I love you"

"I love you too" he replied

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