Introduction to character.

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Name: Hayato Kozuki

Age: 15

Appearance: he has waist length baby blue hair that when cooking is usually seen with it in intricate braids or in a high ponytail, very rarely is he seen with his hair out. He wears casual formal wear on most occasions, usually just a button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up and black slacks with leather shoes, sometimes with a tie, most days he can be seen with some type of jewellery mostly rings or a thin chain. When he's cooking he wears a light blue chef's coat with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black pants. When cooking he can often be seen with a small golden flower clip in his hair, it was the first gift he ever got from his youngest sister.
He is often called pretty due to his long eyelashes, bright silver eyes that always seem to glitter, a small mole just underneath his left eye, his long hair, and his lean but delicate looking frame.

Height: 6'2"   He's very tall but not very broad, he's got a lean if somewhat feminine frame.

Likes: cooking, his mother, his sister, playing with his hair, hanging out with friends, trying out new recipes, reading, reading cookbooks, boys and girls, all animals, dancing, doing exercise, learning languages, ice skating (I just love ice skating, I can't skate but I would love to learn).

Dislikes: bullies, rude people, people touching his hair without permission, people who don't try, people who think they know everything but can't back it up, people who are mean to animals.

Allergies: seafood, bees, dead grass, and wasps.

Personality: when cooking he is usually cold faced or emotionless looking, doesn't react to much, which earned his the nickname the Ice King, but when he isn't cooking he has a bright personality, usually called bubbles because of his bubbly persona. Has a strong aura when cooking, can often feel oppressive which leads to the audience remaining quiet until the end. When he gets confronted he loses his bubbly personality and gains a serious attitude, often becoming 'pretty'.

Abilities: Has what is called the Gods Eye and the Gods Ear, his eyesight is very good to the point where he can see fine detail from feet away from what he is looking at. While Gods Ear allows him to have better hearing, so he can clearly hear what people say while on opposite sides of the room, he is often listening to music to drown peoples voices out. He uses these and when cooking, sometimes he'll use just one ability but other times he'll use both. He has an eidetic memory, meaning he remembers everything, he often uses this ability to remember cooking tips or old recipes he wants to revamp.

Specialty: doesn't have one. He has a wide range in his cooking, often focusing on foreign or old Japanese types of cooking styles.

I should really be updating my other books but I wanted to try this out. I was recently watching the anime and this came to mind.

EDIT: I changed his name! Also I did a drawing of how I think he looks, I just have to paint it. Also this is my first time trying to shade a shirt without a proper reference photo so I'm not too sure about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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