Noahs gay awakening

491 8 2

Sierra added: Cody, Noah, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Trent DJ and 12 others

Sierra: heyyyyyyyyy guysss

Duncan: wtf is this??

Noah: what I'm a bit busy rn ✨❤️


Noah: I don't care I love it 🤪🤪🤪🤪✨✨✨😍😍😍

~Owen has come online~

Owen: wait wat happened Im confused

Noah: Sierra thinks I've "stolen" Cody from her

Sierra: they fell asleep on top of each other

~Cody has come online~

Cody: we played video games all night it's not our fault we fell asleep and we're not dating.

Duncan has changed "sierra" to "Cody's obsessive girlfriends"

Cody's obsessive girlfriends: Duncan you asshole and anyway I love Cody so Noah can't take him from me, love you codikens!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😡😍😍

Cody's obsessive girlfriends has been removed by Cody

Noah: thank you codikens ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😱😱😱😱

Cody: no problem Noah ❤️😍❤️❤️💀✨✨⚠️🥶⚠️

~Gwen has come online~

Gwen: wha-

~Gwen has gone offline~
~DJ has come online~

DJ: my mama made some food for anyone who wants it 🙂🙃

Cody: can I have some I love ur moms food it's like heaven in my mouth

Dj: sure thing :)

~private chat between Noah and Heather~

Noah: can you promise not to tell anyone about this?

Heather: ya sure what's up

Noah: I'm gay and me and Cody are dating

Heather: YAS QUEEN!!!!!

Noah: didn't know you were nice

Heather: nah I'm acc bi so having someone else is like a blessing

Noah: wait seriously ur bi wat was ur awakening??

Heather: have you seen Courtney she's gorgeous

Noah: uh I'm gay dumbass

Heather: shut up.

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