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Ginny was rushing around the house, looking for her wand. 

"Harry! Have you seen my wand? I can't find it and we are already late." 

Harry looked up from where he was sitting on the couch with Ron. "It's in your hand, Gin." 

Ginny looked down, seeing her wand in her hand and sighed. "Are you guys ready to go? We are scheduled to meet Blaise at the Training facility in 5 minutes so we better leave." 

Harry and Ron stood up quickly from their seats, excited smiles flashing on their faces. 

"I can't believe we get to see the Tornados training facility. Do you think Zabini will let us into the locker room?" Ron asked excitedly. 

"I think so. You two better be on your best behavior. Blaise is doing us a huge favor in giving us the tour and letting you two come while I do the interview for work." Ginny said to the boys in a scolding tone. Ron rolled his eyes. 

"We know Gin, don't worry." Harry said reassuringly. "To be honest, I don't really have a problem with Blaise or any of the Slytherins anymore. Everyone has grown up since school and besides, 15 years is a long time to hold a grudge." 

"Speak for yourself. I'd rather not spend anytime with any of the snakes." Ron said, disgust in his tone. Ginny sent him a scary glare and he flinched. "I'll be on my best behavior today though, of course." He added sheepishly to appease his sister. 

Ginny gave him one final warning glare before grabbing both their arms and apparating them into the lobby of the Tornados Quidditch Training Facility. She let go of the boys as a older woman greeted them from behind a reception desk. 

"Hello, you must be Mrs. Potter from Quidditch Times publication." She greeted them with a warm smile. Ginny smiled back and gave a nod. "Go ahead and take a seat, Mr. Malfoy will be right out to begin your tour." She said, motioning towards the waiting area. 

Ginny gave her a startled look. "Malfoy? I thought I was scheduled to meet with Blaise Zabini?" A slight panic started to raise in Ginny's mind. It was already going to be hard enough to keep her brother in check from being rude to Blaise. If Malfoy was the one giving the tour it was going to be a whole different scenario. 

"Mr. Zabini is out of the office today, unfortunately. Mr. Malfoy will be filling in." 

Ginny nodded and dragged the boys over to the seating area. 

"Malfoy?" Ron spat. "I didn't sign up for the ferret." He said, slouching in his seat. Ginny shot him a glare. 

"If you can't be civil then leave. No one is making you be here Ron." She shot back. Ron just rolled his eyes and slouched further into a pout. Ginny gave Harry a questioning look. 

"Don't worry about me, honey. I can be civil with Malfoy. You just focus on your interview." Harry said reassuringly, patting her hand. She gave him a grateful smile and took her notepad out of her bag to look over her questions. They sat waiting for a few minute before the large doors behind the reception area opened and Malfoy walked out.  

Malfoy was wearing tailored black slacks and a fitted dark grey dress shirt with a dark green tie. Ginny was surprised to see he was still lean and muscular, filling out nicely with age. His aristocratic face looked gentler without the sneer she was used to seeing on it from back in school. He stopped and exchanged a few words with the receptionist, giving her a small smile before turning and striding over to them. 

"Mrs. Potter." Malfoy said, giving her a polite smile and reaching out his hand. Ginny stood up, followed by Harry and Ron and shook his hand. "Potter, Weasley." he nodded at them in greeting. Harry nodded back but Ron just scowled and looked away. Malfoy turned back to Ginny with a slightly amused face, ignoring him. 

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