The Twin Orphans

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Author: Pride Shezi

        •••P R O L O G U E•••

It starts off when Anele Swela was convinced by Snakhokonke Dlamini to settle with him.

Anele Swela, a shy innocent guy who just want to live a simple life.
Snakhokonke Dlamini , a school focused guy who only want what best.

What could happen when their path meet? Can anything change in each others life?

What if, they can't help falling in love?

Will everyone give them all the blessings?


I'm Anele Swela, I have a twin brother who is Andile and we are 16 years old. We've been staying with our Granny since we were 7 years and by that time we were only doing grade 2. We're now in Grade 10. Well I'm doing Science subjects while my Twinny is doing History subjects. Why are you giving me that look? Yes my Twinny. It weird right? Andile is now used to me calling him "Twinny" although he doesn't like it , he say I've got a bit if gayness in me. Well I actually don't know but what I know is that I'm not into boys and I'm not into girls either. We're located in Joburg.


Andile: " Granny I'm telling you, isn't it that being coward?"( He says busy laughing and has hands on his mouth)
Me: "! You guys must stop hitting on girls for me as if I've got no mind . If I want a girl for myself I'll get her for myself"
Andile: " Or if you want a gentleman?" (He says laughing)
Andile loves saying I'm day especially because I've got only one friend and I call him 'Best friend' he's my friend afterall why is it bothering him anyway? He would say boys got many friends but we'll I don't agree with him and I won't tolerate his stupidity or whatever it is.
Granny: "Andile leave my grandchild alone" she says as she's throwing a pillow at him. We're sitting at the lounge . It the weekend , I like spending my time indoors. And my brother on the other hand it is just coincidence that he's with us today he's hardly home , He spends most of his time with many friends at that shop about 50 meters away from here. When I'm alone with Gogo I usually ask her a lot of questions about being a gynaecologist. Well I want to be one, apparently Gogo has retired 13 years back from being a gynaecologist but the way I see it , it like she only retired to enjoy and eat her sweats. It not like she's that old although to us she said her age got her to retire.
Andile: " Granny don't ruin him I bet that even if our Grandpa was still alive he would have told him the same. Ayyy Bafo! from now on I'll not agree that you're my twin never"
We both laughed
Me: " you know we're identical others can't even spot the difference between the two of us" we continue laughing .
It is true we're really identical , were tall with a caramel bone, got dimples , a bit too thin but not skinny, wouldn't say we're hot but we good looking.
As we are laughing I sense that Gogo is no longer in our conversation she's mile away with her thoughts , I guess bringing up the Grandpa name hit her too hard. We never got a chance to meet him , when we got here Granny told us that he had died 3 years back. We were 2 years by then and we were leaving with Gogo's daughter Aunt Asanda. Gogo told us he died, they were both going to some function organised by the Head Of Gynaecologist so there was no problem with bringing your partner with you. Grandpa was accompanying Gogo , Grandpa was a businessman he had businesses all over the country actually it was family business or I can just say it family business because it now handled by Uncle Tee . that Grandpa's brother actually he's Grandpa Themba but he said we must call him Uncle . Lol funny ryt?
Okay so Grandpa never wanted Gogo to work especially for that man the head one Mr Garcia . He had Insisted on wanting to buy him a place so Gogo can boss but she resisted. Mr Garcia was an Italian. Yes he was. He died after 2 weeks of my Grandpa's death but they never found out what was behind his death. Just like Grandpa's death. So on their way to the function Grandpa's car's tyre got flattened, the time he stepped out of the car to check exactly what is going on. Granny heard the gun shot not only once but numerous times and then she hid her self from the window and bowed down. After some minutes there were no longer the noises of gunshots , she opened the door and found her husband lying down there with so many wounds. The doctors said they found two seventeen bullets. Seven in the stomach , two in the legs, six in the thigh and four in the head. He died that time , tight there in the crime scene. It was the saddest and weird story I've ever heard.

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