5 Years Later.

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'' I am holding on for dear life Lucas, but I need you to need me back.

'okay, why didn't you tell me about the kiss, why didn't you call while you were away and why won't ever just let me all the way in!'' she poured her heart up and she finally gave up.

We had given our speeches about love and when I saw her giving the speech, I could see that she was broken and referring to 'us'. After the wedding Brooke had completely stopped answering my calls and she had not rang me once that's when I knew that I had hurt her so bad. I just wanted to fight for her, be there for her and I wanted to be with her again. I fought for her so bad but then a few days later...

Knock knock

'hey we were just - 'Lucas said

'I would like to talk to my boyfriend alone' as she stood by the door and her hands on her hip

'Thanks for the great sex Luke' Peyton said with a smirk on her face

'she's joking' Lucas said as he stood up from his seat and Peyton had left.

'I was trying to call you' Lucas said as he was pleased to see her. 'yeah, when you were hanging out with Peyton' Brooke had looked she didn't care anymore.

''come on Brooke you never call me back'' as he let out a laugh

''now you know how I feel, listen I know it has been hard on you with Keith's death , your heart condition and giving up basketball, I feel like I've been keeping you close to me to try to protect you from those things I'm holding on to the two of us for you but not me'' Brooke said as she gradually walked towards Lucas. ''I'm sorry I kissed Peyton alright,'' as he regretted it with his whole heart because he knew what he had lost in the way.

'' it's not about that Luke, I thought that it was but it's not about HER' as Brooke came and sat next to me on the bed. '' I love you, and I probably always will, but we go days without having a meaningful conversation and I used to miss you so much when that happened, but it never seemed like you missed and because of it I stopped missing you'' as Lucas looked into her eyes his heart was breaking when he heard that she didn't miss him anymore.

'I can't do this anymore'' Brooke had kissed me on the forehead and left. That's Brooke had given up on us.

And now 5 years later I stand in my bedroom thinking about the mistake I had made. Why didn't I fight for her harder? How did I let her go so easily? And now I- I have Lindsey, I mean she's amazing she helped me with my book knowing it was about a girl : But didn't know it was Brooke so why would I feel this way and why now? I had completely dazed out when Haley entered my room.


'Hey Luke to earth, where have you gone and where's Lindsey' Haley said as she wanted Luke's attention. 'Hey, hales, oh Lindsey had gone to New York to finalise my new Book 'as he pulled her in for a hug '' oh good I came here to tell you that Brooke is coming to tree hill tomorrow. Will you be okay to face her?'' Haley saw the look on his face as a smile flashed across his face. Haley knew how Lucas had felt about Brooke since the start, but she was about to start a new life and Haley could not tell Lucas yet.

'oh Brookes coming in tomorrow that's good and of course why not, Were friends there no tension between us' Lucas said as he wanted to make sure Haley never found out about the way that he felt. ''Lucas you know you can't fool me, I know you still have feelings for Brooke, I saw your face when I said her name and I haven't seen you glow up in so long plus '' she said with a smile on her face '' oh no I only smiled because I haven't seen her In a long time, I mean she may be my ex but she's also my friend and plus I have Lindsey why would I have feelings for her'' as he got up and headed towards his books trying to avoid his face. ''okay sure but I know deep down in that hear you still love her'' Haley said as she walked out of the door.

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