gay gay gay oh so GÆ

66 5 2

"Hajime...."nagito said whispering
"yeah? whats up.." Hajime replied
"..." nagito looked away from hajime and blushed
Hajime stared at him in confusion
"Is everything ok nagito?" Hajime asked in a concerned tone
Nagito stayed quiet for a minute
then shoved hajime against the wall of their bedroom and kissed him
Hajime was suprised, but soon melted into the kiss
Nagito soon pulled away, his face turning a bright red after realizing what he just did.
He stumble back, apologizing multiple times
Hajije granb magitos wrist and kissed himn agaib
Nahito went wide eyesd becasue
a revserve cousre student
ro kiss a main courscse (?) audent
manito dint pull away thkough
hes aCtulay enjoing it
tehn bla bla bla
they fucked
femito got pregant
they had a demon spawn *cOugh* i mean a child
th end

Danganronpa Crack Nsfw fanfic but im 14Where stories live. Discover now