I do not own dresses design's or pictures in this story I do NOT own them
Lillian's POV
I got up and got dressed in a nice floral dress. I mean they said that as long as it was a dress I could wear it. How I got the money well I ran away from my abusive foster family a few weeks ago and stole a lot of money but they were rich so it didn't even put a dent in there money. I have enough money too last me a few months so that's why I need a job and I got one at this castle. I walked to the castle which was only a ten minute walk. I walked inside and got to the rest of the new staff apparently there was a lot of new staff. I watched as a women walked in she said hello I'm Heidi and I'm going to show you around and tell you your jobs follow me.With the kings
Aro our true mate is in the castle said Marcus. Aro said I know brother I can feel it Felix did they hire new staff today. Felix said yes master. They heard Heidi say now ladies this is the throne room I'm about to show you. Caius sat up a bit more in his seat eager to meet his queen. Heidi opened the doors and they all walked in. The kings instantly spotted there mate. She was the shortest one there but was definitely the prettiest I mean the rest of them looked all fake I mean the amount of makeup and everything else. She had beautiful long wavy brown hair chocolate brown eyes and looked a bit to skinny but looked healthy. She looked young though maybe about sixteen or seventeen the kings thought. She looked so shy and timid it was adorable thought the kings.Lillian's POV
I noticed the three on the thrones staring at me. They were all handsome. One had long raven black hair. One had long brown hair. The last one had long blonde hair but it was shorter then the other two. I noticed they all had red eyes and pale skin. I mean I know I'm very pale but not as pale as them. I felt a weird pull towards them. Why did everyone here have red eyes? I watched as the black haired man got up from his throne. He said Heidi you can take them away except that one he said pointing to me. I thought ok now I'm officially worried I kept a straight face though. I watched him my eyes didn't leave his I mean I'm shy and timid and I don't usually make eye contact with people but I didn't want to look away for some reason. He was in front of me and smiled at me. He said hello mi Amor. I watched the blonde one stand up and say everyone out. They all were gone in a flash wait what how can they move that fast. The blonde one and the brown haired one both walked over to me and the black haired one. They walked with such grace it almost as if they floated as they walked how I mean I'm a clumsy person who trips over my own feet. The brown haired one said I'm sure you have questions. I just nodded my head. The blonde haired man said I'm Caius Volturi. The brown haired man said I'm Marcus Volturi. The black haired man said I'm Aro Volturi. Aro said we are vampires if you haven't already figured that out. I just nodded my head. Caius one said can we get your name cara. I said Lillian but I go by Lily. Marcus said beautiful name mi Tesoro. Aro said we vampires are given one mate to spend forever with and you are our mate. I said our? Aro said you are the mate of me Marcus and Caius. I just nodded my head and said I'm a little freaked out right now.
Aro said also a few more things I want to tell you is that most vampires have gifts I can read and see every thought and memory a vampire has ever had. Marcus said I can see the bonds between vampires. Caius said I don't have a gift but I'm the most ruthless vampire. Aro said also we are the rulers of the vampire world. Caius said which would make you the future queen of the vampire's. I thought oh great me the follower not the leader is the future queen of vampires. Aro said I'm sure your in shock right now so may I and held out his hand. I gave him my hand. He said strange I can't see your thoughts. Caius said you can't brother. Aro said no brother. Marcus said let's get you to a room mi Amor. The other two nodded there heads. Aro held out his arm for me to take which I did. We walked out of the throne room.

The Volturi kings and there shy little mate
RomanceIn this book I'm keeping the kings there original personality like ruthless and everything except for there mate for a while they want her to trust him so yeah. Lillian is shy beautiful and a kind person. What happens when she's in Italy and gets a...