trente-trois : i am apt today

14 5 8

10:49 p.m.
tuesday eve —
bedroom parlour


my fingers were
more icy than
usual. is it 
because i fear
for him?

or is it that the 
cold is more
harsh today
than most 

well, whatever
it is — the burning
fire that radiated
from his hand
clashed with my
opposite ones
that it hurts to
hold on.

but i did.

i held unto tightly.

too much even.

that i collapsed on
the floor when
he finally made it
to the other side.
his head twisting
to the side. a simper
caught my eyes
across his mouth.

he did not seem
tired nor afraid.
how queer. a hand
startled my mind
that's gawking at

"are you ready?"

oh, i am truly apt 
today, child of


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