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It was a normal day in the mindscape well mostly Janus and Remus were over talking with Virgil, Logan, and Patton were in Logan's room doing something Roman well he was left alone in his room so he was relaxing he's an age regressor so currently if you came barging into his room you would see him with a paci in his mouth disney jr playing on the tv and him messily coloring he works hard to hide this Roman has been in his room all morning he doesn't realize what time it is till Logan calls lunch
Romans POV
"Roman, Virgil, Remus, Janus lunch is ready!" I hear someone call it has to be Logan as the voice said almost every name instead of kiddos I get up take my paci out pause the tv and put the coloring book in my desk before I come down "hey umm can I eat in my room today please" I ask rubbing my pocket that I put my paci in "fine but bring your dishes out when I was in there last time your desk was full of dishes" Logan states then I hear a small voice behind me "Lo can I eat with vi in his room today" the voice I now know as Patton asks "sure just wait till he comes down and ask him first" Logan says looking less like he normally does I grab my food put it in a plastic bowl and go upstairs but in the hall I put my paci in and try to hurry to my room before someone sees but I run into someone "wha-ro" my twin says and I start tearing up and start crying as quietly as I can "Remus what's the crying about" janus says then he looks at me "Remus what did you not do" he says and comes to me "he ran into me I was about to say what the f but I stoped realizing that he is little" Remus says holding his hands up above his head he looks me dead in the eyes then summons something red with green on it "here it's a pacifier clip red with green crowns on it" he says and hands it to janus "you nu mad or eirded out" I mumble then feel my paci leaving my mouth I whine and look at the floor to see if it just fell "no we're not mad or weirded out and I'm just putting the pacifier clip on your paci ok" jan says then vi comes out his room "Jan, Rem what are y'all doing in the hall" I hug Jan trying to hide "that's not for us to tell but if they say it's ok we will tell you if it's not sink out into the kitchen" jan says "nu gon get made fund of" I mumble still hiding in Jan's chest "Pat is that you?" I hear vi say "no one will make fun of you if they do I'm gonna do something to make them regret it" re says "pomise rere" I asks barely audioable so vi nu hear "cross my heart and hope to sing never poke my eyes please" re says I giggle a little "re up peas" I say and he picks me up and I hear vi gasp then I cover my ears as he screams as he runs down stairs "LOGAN I CALLED IT YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS" I whine at the noise then they start taking me down stairs I whine again reaching for Jan as he's calmer jan takes me and bounces me while he holds me like a toddler on his hip he holds my paci in I start calming down and snuggle into him more when I look around down stairs I see Patton with a paci and he comes up to me and jan and we stop moving "how old you" pat says after taking his paci out "I don't think he knows pat but maybe we can help him figure it out" jan says and pat squeals a little I let jan go and cover my ears jan bounces me again "shhhh pat he don't like loud noises" jan says I look around but don't see rere I spit my paci out and started to whine jan sat down and layed me in his lap and put my paci in rocking me a little bit I whine louder as I still don't see rere "what's wrong little prince" jan says looking me in the eyes "RERE" I yell at the top of my lungs then I hear someone cuss and run in "sorry ro I forgot when you were little you wouldn't leave my side" re comes running "rere" I say reaching for him he picks me up and I snuggle into him and start to sleep he tries to sit down I whine and hold tighter "shh I'm just sitting I won't let go I promise" re says but I don't lossen my grip "ok everyone stay quiet ro you wanna go to sleep I will be here the whole time" re said "sing peas rere" I mumbles laying down in his lap more re sighs "the one from when we were little right" re says I nod "I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi baby, there's no other superstar you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi promise I'll be kind but I won't stop until that boy is mine baby, you'll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi" that's when I passed out
3 hour later
I wake up to gentle bouncing and I whine when I don't feel my paci "shh here" I hear someone say I can't make out who "hey it's ok but it's time to get up kiddo" I wake up and start crying " hey shhhh rere's here it's ok I'm here" rere says and I'm pulled into a hug I start calming down "so you have a paci do you have other gear kiddo" Patton asked I just nod a little " ok who do you want to go with you" re says "chu I mean you" I say trying to come out of little space "hmm well I have an idea ro I played this with Patton and the others when we first found out it's a game to get to know little you better and it's really fun" I look at rere wipeing my eyes "wat da game" I ask blushing at messing up my words "we don't have a name for it yet but this is how it goes we ask you questions you can give any response you want even if you don't give one that's ok you can play with all of us or a few of us it's your choice but you have to at least try something's we want and you get a treat after and during ok the goal is to help us know more of little you so we can help you and make you have fun and we know your safe as with pat he goes too little to be alone he can still be independent but we don't want a toddler all alone" re says and I just nod along "first we get your little gear then we will try different things at dinner then a bath as your a lil stink bug then we get play time and then we will go from there ok?" I nod "oo da bedoom" I say giggling re goes fast and it's fun "ok where is your stuff" he says sitting me on my feet I run into the closet and move the clothes "come on rere we gots ta get it" I say happily as he comes to me I open a hiden door and go into a tiny empty room "ro it's empty" re says "nu alays bewive wats at firs wook" I say and pull him in and shut the door and a mini closet is in there I crawl under the bottom shelf and crawl threw a whole and grab a chest and pull it out "how long did you work to make this" re asks "uhh I nu nu few months maybe I lock da sinking way in n da door ta make dis" I tell him walking back into my room with the chest in hands "ro that was a year and a half that the sinking in and out was locked" re says and I open the chest there's a spare paci a bottle in the very bottom is a onesie with buttons at the crotch and it's a footie one the buttons go to the ankles and a sippy in there "do you have anything else" re asks I nod my head "can I tell Logan to fill your cup or bottle for you" I nod again and grabbed the bottle and handed it to him "appa juice bottom shelf back weft" I mumble a little "do you want a snack" re asks again I nod "goldish treerth cabinet from da fidge top shelf back ight" I mumble again "hey how did you memorize where the stuff is Patton hasn't even done that and he's the main one in the kitchen" remus says as he pulls out his phone I take a deep breath "has we star da game yets if so I don wan answer dat" I say "yes it has but even without the game you can choose not to answer these types of questions but if it's a question about like say you were being bad and we asked you about it we would want an answer ok?" Re says and I nod "hey Remus where's the bottle" Logan asks coming into the room "right here and he wants apple juice and goldfish please" re tells him I whine wanting a potty break "what's wrong ro" he asks and I whine again looking down and shifting on my feet and thighs tensing and untensing I think Logan figured it out as he spoke first "do you need to use the bathroom little prince" he asks I nod a little and whine again "do you need help" he asks I nod again "take me there please so I can help" he tells me I grab his hand and run to my bathroom and I point to the shelf he pulls down a potty training seat but my size though he puts it on the potty and I pull my pants down the what should be my boxers a pull up that's a little wet and I sit on the potty "where's the rest of your pullups or are you out" Logan asks me "I outs now dada" I whisper " it's ok little prince I can get you one from Patton he has some in every bathroom even yours" he says and climbs to the roof and pushes a tile a little and grabs a box then opens it it has diapers and pull ups in it "pick which one you want little prince" he tells me I feel the pull ups then the diapers and I found a waddler diaper I grab it and pull it out "dis n onsie?"  I ask he nods his head and grabs a towel and puts it on the ground "Huh y chu lay it's on da ground?" I ask "Well that's a diaper and they don't go on the same way a pull-up does so I'm gonna help you" he says and I shake my head no and cross my legs now feeling I can't get out of this "hey don't worry I'm just gonna put it under you put some powder on then close it ok? Are diapers new to you is that it we can use a pull up if you want" I shake my head no "I wan use a dipy but nobody's see my nakie bafore" I say lossing confidence "hey how about this we stay with a pull up for now then we use diapers if you go to small for the potty or when you get used to us being around when your little and changing clothes ok?" Logan asks I grab the diaper and put it under me "be fas peas" I say then close my eyes and hold my breathe next thing I know my paci was in my mouth and I started sucking on it hard till I started calming down I feel Logan powder me then the diaper go on all the way i look at him he opens his arms I snuggle into him "my brave little prince you did so good" Logan said "0-3" I mumble but I think he heard me "aww that's ok little prince but I want to let you know you can be doing everything yourself if you still want to but your too little too be alone ok?" Logan says I nod "words can be hard sometimes if I'm 2 years or younger and I'm not talkititve when I'm 3 unless my brain is to loud" I say quietly " so you become non-verbal?" Logan asks I shake my head no " I can still talk even when I'm not even a year old but then my speech is lowered a lot I can only say a few words the rest come out as babbles" I say "well how about we go get you changed and head down stairs to continue the game" Logan says while standing up I don't think I have a choice in if we go downstairs or not but he made it seem like I do so ill do what he wants "prince do you want to dress yourself or let me do it yes you get a choice" he says "ummm" I say looking at myself then looking at Logan "can you do it please lo" I say he nods he starts taking my paci and clip I whine but then shake my head and bite my tongue a little to keep from whining "hey don't worry you'll get this back in a few minutes and if your trying to keep yourself big that's called repression and it's bad" Logan states "I'm trying not to go below 1 I don't want to be that small when I'm used to lock my door laying on pillows and having cartoons playing with I chew on a teether-" I cover my mouth fast " where's that at is that one of your babyspace comfort items" Logan asks but I stay quiet till a knock on the door made me lose the babyspace battle I instantly drop to the floor I started tearing up and tried to stand but keep falling so I started sobbing I think Logan noticed my drop as he was now on the floor next to me "shhhh baby prince it's ok how about I help you" he says helping me stand then the door opened to show emile and remy I squealed a little and pointed at them "oh you want them is that it baby prince" Logan says I nod fast "hey Lo is he little right now" emi says I nod at him "hey tiny prince come to remy" remy says "yay" I say as he picks me up "ok Logan tell me this who all knows about this tiny prince" remus says I whine when I notice I don't have my paci and clip "is this what your looking for baby prince" Logan holds up my paci I giggle reaching for it "dada peas" I say then giggle when he gives my back a small rub while putting my paci in my mouth "well you have a favorite don't you tiny ruler" emi says "emi remy n dada" I say then giggle " but to answer your question Thomas is the only one who does not know to my knowledge" Logan says I look around now and notice remus isnt here "rere" I ask "where's the mini duke" remy asks "he's getting-" Logan was cut off by remus running in " sorry remy I was getting ros bottle of apple juice and his goldfish" re says "baba" I squeal and make grabby hands at the bottle and someone hands me the drink I'm not sure who then I hear a loud foot tap and remy moving so he probably is calling someone from outside the door "yes master remy" a lady said "it's only remy suzan but can you go tell virgil and janus I have arrived and will be with Roman the whole day even if they are around and can you get Margret as well thank you suzan you are dismissed" remy says "hihi susu" I say "hi prince Roman don't forget to be good for remy" suzan says walking out "you asked for me pri-master remy" Margret came she almost say prince remy I wave to her none the less "hello prince Roman and pri-duke Remus" she almost called remus prince she's gonna be in trouble when remy leaves but for now she's ok "yes I wanted you too get ro's surprise and re's surprise as well please Margret you are dismissed" remy says "hold up what that breaks all I know how are they girls and why were they dressed like maids and did she almost call you prince as well as remus!?" Logan says really fast I barely understood that "they are maids they are girls from the imagination and if you must know my full name is prince remy sleep sanders and remus prefers to be a duke but some are still getting used to not calling him prince and I don't like the title of prince or master if they must call me some name like that then they may call me sir but none of the other" remy says "remy sleep sanders what did you do to suzan she looks dead on her feet" virgil says in a distorted voice but at a normal level so I giggle and lean back but start to fall then I start floating "careful tiny prince we don't want you to fall" remy says "fy fy fy" I start flapping my arms like a birdie and I start flying around the room "oh remy when did you learn that" remus asks "I only do it when it's a little I won't do this for adults" remy says "if you relax I might do this for you too" remy says in a sing songie voice "but I don't feel small right now" remus huffs "dada wan dada" I say making grabby hands at Logan "come here baby prince" Logan says

Hey guys a small authors note this this over 3 thousand words and if it's hard to understand I have been slipping back and forth between my little headspace and my normal headspace leave in the comments prompts it would really help me out
And I want to clear some confusion cuz I see this alot type in age regression some stories pop up this is the SFW area but ageplay is the NSFW and I don't like having to sift through the NSFW stories and SFW one when I'm mentally 5 or 6 thanks for reading the next part will be out soon

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