Chapter 1

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"Mum hurry up or I'm gonna be late... And you know how scary Miss Emma gets when we are late." I yell and I fix up my ballet bun.

I run and quickly get in the car and check I have everything. Water bottle, pointe shoes, normal ballet shoes, jazz shoes and snacks I recite in my head.

"Now Mrs Farwell will take you home and I will pick you up after I have your little sister from signing." Mum explains

"Got it" I say to Mum.

Once I am at dance, I quickly run in saying goodbye to my Mum and hearing her say have fun. "I'll try" say to my self.

I drop my bag down, get out my ballet shoes, put them on and run into ballet.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Emma"

"Nice of you to join us Ava."

I run over to the barré and take my place behind Tiarna.

"Today we are going to be doing tendus, pliés, développés and do rises for the rest of the class."

"Arrr my calfs are killing me" says Tiarna, as we are walking into the den.

"Mine too" I say.

"Can you braid my hair for jazz please" Tiarna asks

"Sure" I say.

I french braid her hair right down the middle of her head. It isn't as perfect as I want but I have pointe class in a few minutes.

"Thank you" Tiarna says.

I grab my pointe shoes and head to studio 3.

Even though I have been in this preparing for pointe class for 3 years it's my favourite because Emma doesn't teach it.

Our teacher Mel walks in and starts the class. She gives me a few compliments which is good because all Miss Emma does is yell complaints.

As I leave the studio Mel says to me "Don't tell Miss Emma how nice I am to you or she will kill both of us."

"I would never" I say to Mel as I give her a hug and run out of the studio.
I see Tiarna waiting for me so I grab my bag and we run outside. I get in her Mums car and are at her house in no time. We walk in to Tiarna's room after greeting her 3 sisters.
As I am siping on my water I hear my Mum at the door I grab my stuff and leave.

"How was dance?" Mum asks.

"Tiring" I say "but Mel did give me a few compliments"

"Well that's good." My Mum says.

"What's for dinner."

"Spaghetti Bolinaise."

When we get home I have dinner, do my homework, have a shower and then stretch.

I head to bed at 10 and fall asleep straight away. Not thinking about my private with Miss Emma tomorrow.

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I will be updating once a week, on the weekends.
Next chapter: Ava's private and a new competition

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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