3⋅It haunts me, you save me

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After Jet changed the bandages, the day passed by quite slowly. My body felt really heavy with all the exhaustion which I believe to be caused due to all the mental stress I've been put under.

The worry about War and Sour quiets down in my chest, still so heavy, and doesn't let me forget about it as much as I tried distracting myself or talked with Party. When the night falls, again, the feeling threatens to take over, but the sleep is faster.

Party was motivated by the previous night to spend the night with me again, commenting about how terrible nightmares like this are and that made me conclude there actually are real feelings under this bulletproof posture he puts on most of the time. He doesn't explain much what he does, being more of an action person, so his intentions are almost always vague and we are limited to watch and accept what Party does, most of the time.

Things seemed good – or, at least, I convinced myself of it –, so waking up desperately in the middle of the night isn't exactly something I expected.

To be honest, it all happened so confusingly.

My nightmares aren't very clear, only with intense flashes of bad events; nonetheless, I still get all the bad feelings from it, from the worry of having lost War and Sour to the fear I felt in the moment that 'Crow shot me. And BLI keeps looking for me. Right now.

All I am aware of is the name of my friends leaving my lips as soon as I'm back to consciousness, the remains of panic still there – sweat pools down on the back of my neck, giving me the same cold feeling as the tear stains do, and my heartbeat is the only thing I can hear along with my heavy breathing, my chest heaving up and down with it. Fucking Destroya, I need to run, I need to escape, I need to...

A hand wraps itself around mine, perfectly anchoring me back to reality in the same moment and slowly making me aware of my surroundings.

It's so silent. No one is here. Just Party; Party and I.

"Sorry," I mutter, just wanting to break the silence we're in, to forget the nightmare.

"You have nothing to apologize for," Party replies and gives my hand a light squeeze. "Do you want to talk about it? It might help." He observes me through the darkness; I can feel his gaze on me, transmitting the same concerned and comforting feelings his voice does.

"No." I pause, not having regained my breathing completely yet. "Tell me something. Anything. I don't want to think about it."

There's silence and shuffling before I feel fingers playing with my hair, hesitant at first, but gaining encouragement after I relax under the touch.

"So..." Party thinks before finally starting to speak. "I'm sure you don't know this because you haven't been around for long, but Ghoul is often convincing Kobra to go do shit with him and vice versa and both get in a fuck ton of problems sometimes. Ghoul got banned from going to Chow Mein's place one because one of his bombs went off inside the market due to one of Kobra's challenges and Tommy got so mad..." He breathes a chuckle.

"Is he still banned from there?" I ask with a small smile, trying to imagine the events. Despite everything, it's confusing that the fact Party is being so nice, suddenly. Maybe he knows how bad it is or maybe he's drunk with sleep.

"Okay, there's the funny thing. Tommy found out he can't keep Ghoul away from there, so he gave up on it, though he almost dies whenever Ghoul is over." He chuckles and I join him, laughing weakly. "And there also was this time when they wanted to see what happens when you stand over a moving car and there Kobra went standing on Trans AM while Ghoul drove it. The two idiots almost gave Jet and I a heart attack. Fucking stupid."

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