Escaping Through a Window

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The clock was displaying the time of 3:01 a.m. I'm like any other teenager during summer; I mess around on the internet until unrealistic hours of the morning then wake up at noon and repeat until it becomes a cycle. But I was starting to get bored with simply staying up late only to stare at random Tumblr posts, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, Tumblr is a gold mine, but I was just feeling bored in general. I still hadn't even changed out of my yellow sundress. My family and I own a beach house down the shore that we've been staying in since I before I was even born. Sure, swimming is great and all, and the sunsets are gorgeous, and running around in the sand is nice, but I've been doing these activities for years. It was about time to shake things up a bit. The only interesting part about the shore were the new neighbors that moved in to the blue house next door in mid-June. The family had a boy my age who was dreamy as a full on chocolate dessert bar with everything from the richest chocolate mousse to the creamiest chocolate truffle. In fact, his personality is as sweet as chocolate. His name is Caleb. That dirty blonde haired, brown eyed boy is the gentleman girls always wish their school has more of. I'm openly admitting I have the most gigantic crush on him.

I was laying on my bed, staring at the dull ceiling. I thought about what else I could do with my life so I wouldn't be extremely bored all the time (by the way, I couldn't think of anything, I honestly thought my life was gonna remain tedious until I died). Maybe what I needed was a gorgeous prince to sweep me away to a far off land. Then I thought, oh my God that's stupid. I'm not just going to wait around here for some guy to come to my window, tell me to let down my hair, and then take me away. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a tapping from behind me. My light blue eyes traveled to the window. Caleb was staring at me with an excited smile on his face, (yeah, I know, I literally just said I refused to have a prince sweep me away, but I didn't plan for this to happen). I rushed over to him and opened the window.

"Lottie, I have a surprise for you," he said. "Come on." He extended his hand. I looked behind me towards my bedroom door, fearing someone might come through it.

"You know I'll get in trouble. My parents will literally eat me for breakfast if they knew I snuck out."

"You can't get in trouble if you don't get caught," he smirked. I looked back at the door one more time. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? Leaving my phone on my bed, I slipped my hand into his and hopped out the window. The moon was so bright it seemed to give the sand a soft glow. Caleb squeezed my hand, tugged my arm, and broke into a run with me behind him. The sand felt cool against my feet as we ran. Then, he stopped short and I bumped into him.

"Sorry," he said, laughing. "Close your eyes."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes gently. His warm hands clamped my shoulders and he guided me through the sand. A soft salty breeze brushed tickled my face as we walked. We came to a halt, he let go of my shoulders, and then said, "Take a look."

He was standing in the middle of a circle of palm trees, grinning proudly. Hanging from the branches were mason jars all hanging from strings with candles inside, causing the clearing to look as if it was glowing. Behind Caleb was a hammock swaying side to side in the ocean breeze. I was speechless. I tried to force out some words but all I could do was smile shyly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. Then he tucked my wavy strawberry blonde hair behind my ear. I giggled nervously and looked down. "I can't even begin to express my feelings for you, Charlotte Hugo," he said gingerly. I looked up, still speechless. He held my hands in his. "It would be an honor to be your boyfriend."

My heart was pounding in my chest. I had been waiting for a magical moment like this all my life. "And it would be an honor to be your girlfriend," I replied. His face appeared blissful in the candlelight. Then, our lips moved closer together...


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