chapter 1

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Hearing her husband call her name from down the hall, she's brought out of her thoughts from where she sits at her vanity. His footsteps follow him as the door opens and she turns to see him with that look he has only for her. Even two years after he came back, after that horrid war, it still fills her heart with joy to see him standing there whole, healthy, human.

"Hullo, love. What have you been up to?" Aileana tried to say this with a smile on her face. She tried to keep from betraying the panic in her heart. Unfortunately, Kiaran wasn't easily fooled.

He paused and looked at her. "What's going on?" In a heartbeat he was standing next to her, arms coming to rest on her shoulders as he stares at her intently.

She tries to smile again. "What? Nothing. I'm just tired and got lost in my thoughts." He didn't seem convinced. She leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips to try and distract him. "You didn't answer my question. What have you been up to?"

He eyed her again, but answered her question. "I was just training a little in the yard. I still don't entirely understand how you were able to keep up with me when we hunted."

"Oh, is someone upset that things aren't as easy for them anymore?" she mock-pouted. The only response she received was a scowl. Laughing, she reached up to kiss his cheek and then stepped out of his arms. "I am on my way to make a call to Catherine, see how her and the baby are doing." A quick kiss on his lips and she was walking towards the door. "I will see you this evening. Do try not to mess up the bushes again."

His lips began to turn up as he was reminded of how their garden was destroyed by their blades during a training a few months ago. The housekeeper was in a riot, utterly confused on what had happened.

"Don't be long. We have a dinner with your parents tonight."

Damn, she'd forgotten about that.

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you, too, Kam."

Even after all this time, those five words still made her heart so full. Hopefully those words didn't change as she shared her new news.

Aileana stepped out of their house and started the walk to her ornithopter. She still smiles when she sees it, knowing she was able to finish it with her mother this time and not just working on it to distract her from her grief. This new world, this new life with her mother and father, with Kiaran, with Catherine and Gavin and Daniel, it still held so many smiles. Aileana is eternally grateful for this life she was granted. It was weird sometimes; not having any fae to fight, having faeries for friends with the newfound peace. But it was all welcome.

It was all worth it when she went to visit Catherine and saw her son, Tavish, after another friend they lost. Watching little Tavvy grow, nearly a year old now, was so filling. Hopefully Catherine and her experience with children will help when Aileana shares her newest revelation. Hopefully she can help ease her fears.

Because a new joy was coming into their new world. Aileana was pregnant.


Watching from an upstairs window as his wife flew away, Kiaran knew something was going on. He could sense something wasn't right and it wasn't like her to keep this to herself.

Two years later, and he still couldn't believe where he was. He was here with Kam. Hell, they deserved it. Sometimes he could see that haunted look in her eyes as she remembered all those they lost in the war. Held her as she woke up from a nightmare of some horror from Lonnrach or in the Morrigan's realm.

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