*That day*

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I hope you enjoy it but this is only the intro. If people like it I will make more parts. Please comment.

"It's Friday!" I thought to myself and that means I can do whatever after I do my stupid homework. My teachers always give an insane amount of work and it stresses everyone out. I was snapping my friends but she had to go so I decided to get off my phone too. I was walking home from school with my jacket wrapped around me really tight because I had layers of sweaters under it. After all, it was December in Canada. I was walking on the sidewalk with my earbuds in, listening to my favorite jams when all of a sudden it all went black. Everything. I couldn't see a thing. It's like someone turned off the light in the world. I saw a big green flash in the sky like a lightening bolt. "It was 3:00pm how was it dark" I thought to myself. And then the lights came back on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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