Why do people laugh? Why do people cry. Is it because they're sad, happy, angry, upset with something or someone? Who knows. Why do people tend to think that being gay is wrong. All they're doing is being themselves. Why do people stare at women when they are breast feeding their young? Who knows. Maybe it's because they're intrigued by the nature of a mother and their young. Why do people think money can by you happiness? You could go into debt, or go bankrupt. Why do people say that they're fine when they aren't. Is it for attention? Or do they really need help? We'll never know. Why do people need a license for certain things? Authorization? To drive? Maybe. Oh how there is so many questions that are in my head that will never be answered the right way, oh how there will be multiple theories and answers that lead to so many conclusions and myths. Why do people believe in God? What was the purpose? To feel safe? Who knows, no one knows. Why do people think math is hard? There are so many easy ways to do it! You just have to find them. Why is the periodic table so hard to remember even if there is a song of it? Maybe it's because the brain often forgets and it forgets because of stress, like having a test tomorrow might cause that stress in order to make you forget. Perhaps. Why do people drink alcohol? Why do people argue over political parties and the economy? Why is there war? Why do people litter? The world may never know.
Mystery / ThrillerThese thoughts are just thoughts, nothing else but thoughts