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The cover isn't good because I was lazy and didn't want to make a good one.
I have one now! Thanks to @Russell_L 

You were walking down the streets in a hoodie and some blue jeans. You were wearing your suit underneath. You were almost home when you heard gunshots. You ran over to see what it was and see a robbery happening.

"Not like I have much  to live for anyways" You said to yourself. It was kind of true, your relitives disowned you and your pet was dead. On top of all that you didn't have enough for rent this month so you had to sell your grandmothers blanket which you loved for sentemental reasons.

You run in and reveal your suit.

(I am not an artist do not judge please

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(I am not an artist do not judge please. I am not a fasion designer either so do not judge. There was suposed to be black pants but I was too lazy)

You suround the robber with a ring of fire. 

"You know stealing for survival is fine but if you have a gun. Then it is a diffrent story." You say. The robber is terrified. You are 99% sure someone had already called the cops so you just had to wait it out.

"Get away you freak!" The robber yelled. You had been used to being called a freak so it didn't bother you.

"Shut up you dummy" You said to the robber. Then you hear the police cars. "Looks like there here for you." The robber freaks out when the police come in. "Well it was nice meeting ya I got to go now"

You jump out the window and levetate to your apartment. 

The Red Flame (Female Reader x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now