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"Hi, Hin!" Tay exclaimed as soon New picked up the call. He's wearing his bluetooth earphones as he talked to him so he can scroll through social media.

"Hi, Te! Where are you now?"

"Waiting to board. I can't wait to see you!"

"Really? I thought you already forgot about me."

"Huh? How could I forget about you?"

"Huh? I said that out loud? Damn. Sorry, that was nothing. So, how was your overall taping there in Chiang Mai?"

Tay felt like something is not right with New but he settled to just asking him later since they will see each other anyway.

"Hmmm, well everything went well, really. K'Aof was happy with my performance and keeps complimenting me. Sometimes, I think he's exaggerating and I get shy."

"You are a great actor, Te. Wait, no. Scratch that. You are an excellent actor. If only you can see me the way I see you. I'm proud of you, Te."

With his boyfriend's remark, Tay can't help but blush. He always hears New giving him compliments, yet everytime he does, he feels just the same always.

"Oi, why are you blushing, Tay?" One of the cameramen teased him. "Oi, Lee, what did you do to Tay? He's so red. Look!"

Lee looked at him with a wide smile, "I just sat here beside you yet I can make you blush like that?"

"Shut up." He looked at Lee and nudged his arm.

He stood up and walked a little bit far from his company and continued talking to New.


"Still here, Te."

"Yeah, sorry about that. K'Mek saw me and started teasing."

"Heard everything, Te. Didn't know Lee has that effect on you." Tay noticed how tired New's voice is.

"Lee? No! I didn't blush because of Lee. I..." He rubbed his nape as he spoke, "I actually felt shy because of what you said. Thank you, Hin. I know you always think of me greatly, but every time you say it, I can't help but feel shy and giddy at the same time." Tay chuckled lightly.

"You deserve all the compliments in the world, Te and I'll never get tired of giving them to you. I can't wait to see you. Please hurry back."

"I can't wait to see you, too, Hin. I've been busy these days that we haven't been able to talk properly. Sorry."

"I understand. I know you would if the positions are switched."

"Thank you." The boarding for their flight was suddenly announced. "Ai, Hin, I have to go. We're about to board. I'll see you, soon! I love you!"

"I love you, too, Te. Have a safe flight."


New is now standing in front of the house, waiting for Tay. The latter already texted him that he's already in the cab and since he can't keep still out of excitement, he just waited outside. Ever since that encounter with Lee via messages, he has not relaxed since. He has been lurking on social media but it just added to his paranoia. A lot of pictures of Tay and Lee being sweet and clingy has been all over and he needed to remind himself that all of that is part of their job; or at least, with Tay.

A few seconds later, he saw a cab round to their street and a wide smile appeared on his face.

As soon as Tay alighted the cab, New ran towards him and hugged him tight.

"I've missed youuuu." New said as he swayed their bodies, squeezing Tay.

"God, I've missed you, too, Hin." Tay responded as he buried his face in New's neck.

When they broke the hug, Tay was the first to lean in and closed the gap between their faces. He kissed him softly but with longing as he held the other's nape.

After they kissed, Tay held his hand and led him to sit in the street gutter. They catched up about everything until it was interrupted by a shout inside the house.


"MINT!" New sprinted towards the house as Tay followed. They both saw Mint holding her belly while water dripped below her.

"Te, I'll get the car started." New said as he frantically took the car keys.

"Go!" Tay answered. He then went to Mint and supported her until they were outside. He helped her ride at the backseat and joined her there.

"Go, New!"

While New drove, Mint leaned on Tay as he held her hand. Tay whispered soothing words to at least help her relax.

Once they got to the hospital, Tay and New got off and helped Mint alight the car.

"Go. I can take her inside. I'll message you." Tay said to New and the latter just nodded.

Once they got into the emergency room, they were helped at once and Mint was brought to a delivery room.


Both Tay and New were there during the delivery. Tay held Mint's left hand while New held her right.

Soon after, the baby's cry filled the room.

New caressed Mint's hair as he whispered, "You did good, Mint. You did good."

Tay looked at him and smiled. No jealousy, no ugly feelings, but only pure admiration was felt by him as he looked at New at the both of them.

"Congratulations, Sir. Here's your baby," One of the nurses gave Luna to New.

New held the child in his arms. "She's an angel." He admired her for a few seconds then turned to Mint and said, "Do you want to hold her now?"

"Yes, yes, I do." Mint said as she sobbed. When the baby was already in her arms, she sobbed harder. "Hi, Luna. I'm your mommy. Thank you for coming out safely, baby. I love you. So much." The child's cry slowly lessened as she felt comfortable in her mother's arms.

Tay transferred to the side of New and held him on his shoulders. New leaned on him, hugging him with both arms on his waist, and they both watched Mint and Luna interact.

Tay kissed New's head and said, "So, this is how it feels to be a father. I like it, Hin."

New looked at him and said, with a sweet smile formed on his lips, "Someday, Te. We will be, too."

"I'd love that, Hin. I would love that."


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