Chapter 18

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Aiden waited rather impatiently at the restaurant for Blair to arrive with the others

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Aiden waited rather impatiently at the restaurant for Blair to arrive with the others. The male had informed him he was on his way and would be there shortly which was relieving to hear. He worried about leaving Elijah alone all day in an area he was unfamiliar with, but he also trusted Lily and Luke to look after him.

"Aiden, do you want the waitress to bring out any appetizers since people will be arriving soon?" Wes asked from where he was sitting at the table.

"Please." He moved to sit as well, carefully smoothing down his suit with a soft sigh. He should not be as impatient as he was about Elijah returning to his side. He knew the boy was safe as he had texted him a few times throughout the day. He sighed softly as his phone went off, pulling it from the inside pocket on his jacket.

'We are almost there, Sir.'

A smile tugged at his lips as he saw the text from his 'Pet 🐱💍' as he had him labeled in his phone. He was proud of Elijah for utilizing the phone he had given him and keeping him updated throughout the day. In retrospect, he should have kept the boy more updated himself. Perhaps he could have sent him back a photo of his own lunch. He mentally slapped himself for that thought as he doubted Elijah would really care.


It took all his self restraint not to go to the door to greet the male himself. He remained seated, only standing once he saw the waitress guiding them to the private area. He felt the air leave his lungs as he spotted Elijah, though he quickly forced himself back to normal as he held his hand out for him. He knew the male had used his card to buy some new outfits, but the change from his usual everyday clothes to such a nice outfit stunned him. He looked...beyond amazing with his hair clipped out of his face, he could only assume courtesy of Lily. Actually, he would need to assume most of the outfit was courtesy of Lily except for the vest he wore. That was definitely Luke.

"Do I look okay?" Elijah's voice broke him out of his trance as he took his hand and stepped closer to him. The nervous look on his face caused him to chuckle softly and shake his head.

"You look absolutely stunning, Elijah. I love it." He murmured as he pulled him to his chair at the table. The bright smile that lit up his face melted his heart.
"I must admit, I do prefer you with your hair loose, but this is more formal." He hummed, gently trailing his fingers through the male's hair before he pulled his chair out for him, sitting next to him.

"I will be sure to keep that in mind, Sir." Elijah grinned slightly as he sat down, though his hand reached for Aiden's under the table. He instantly took it, trailing his finger over his smooth skin as he noticed how tight the male grabbed him.

"Are you nervous, Elijah?" He asked softly as Blair pulled out the chair for Lily and Wes did the same for Luke.

"A little bit. I was told you have work a-assoc-associates coming. I know I am not as educated as you are, and I do not want to embarrass you." A tinge of amusement toyed at the back of his mind as Elijah struggled to find the words for his coworkers. He thought it was adorable that the boy was trying hard to learn things he did not know before and he was proud he was trying. He offered him a small smile, brushing his fingers through his hair as he spoke.

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