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When Tay noticed Mint stir, he got up from the couch and stood by the bed.

"Hey, you need anything?"


"Uhmm, yeah. Hin, I mean New, went out to buy us breakfast. We visited Luna in the nursery a while ago. She looked like an angel sleeping."

Mint smiled at him sweetly.

Both became silent for a while. It was awkward for them both since they are not exactly close but they share the same history.

"Tay." Mint broke the silence.


"I... I'm sorry."

Tay did not respond and just looked down.

"I'm sorry that because of me, you and New had to be apart. If I wasn't plain stupid to fall in love with the wrong man, we wouldn't be in this situation right now."

"New did what he had to do. It was his choice. You don't have to apologize for it."

"I have a lot to apologize for, Tay. The past and the present."

Tay remembered the past. When New confronted her and told her that he's planning to stop whatever they had because he was already falling for Tay, she didn't let him go and she kissed him instead. A netizen captured the moment and posted it on social media, and news about them dating circulated online. Seeing the overwhelming support of the fans, the management asked them to fake-date. This almost made New leave him, but he agreed to the set-up just so New won't leave.

"You don't have to apologize about the past, Mint. Let's keep it as it is - past." Tay gave her a curt smile.

"But more than apologies, Tay, I'm beyond grateful for your help last night. Truly."

"I will always be there when New needs me, Mint. And yesterday, he needed me to help you. I'm glad you and Luna are fine." Tay smiled at her.

Mint hesitated first to say what she was about to say, but decided to go through it. "I love New, Tay. I loved him before, and I love him again now." Mint looked at Tay as she said this.

Tay was confused as to what Mint was trying to say. He didn't say anything which Mint took as a sign for her to continue.

"But history will just repeat itself, wouldn't it? He will still choose you. I've been with him for months under one roof and never did he make me feel the the love he has for you. I'm telling you this because I want you to know that nothing happened between me and New this past few months that we've been together and still, nothing will happen in the future. I guess you truly are each other's 'the one'. I'm glad you found each other." She gave him a genuine smile.

Tay pondered for a while about what Mint said. He then realized what she was trying to say.

I don't have to worry. "Thank you, Mint. For the assurance. I didn't think I do but apparently I needed it to come from you. I hope one day you find you're 'the one', too. Although, if you don't mind me asking, why did you name her Luna? Sorry. It's just that I have always associated New with the moon so I thought you named your baby after him."

Mint smiled, "No, not because of New. I named her Luna because she represents the moon in my life, Tay. When everything was dark and scary, she was the shining light that guided me. She helped throughout everything. She had become my reason for living."

"That's sweet, Mint. You will be a great mom. New told me himself."

Just then, New went in with bags of food. Tay rushed to him and helped him carry them.

"Hi, Mint. Good morning. Good that you're awake. You need to eat. I visited Luna at the nursery a while ago. She was still sleeping. I also talked to the doctor a while ago. You can be discharged tomorrow morning. I'll get us some clothes later. I'll take Luna here first before we go."


"You'll be fine alone? You sure you don't need me anymore? I can ask P'Yui to free my day." Tay asked as he and New are now on their way to the apartment.

New chuckled, "I won't exactly be alone, Te. I'm accompanying Mint and Luna. I'll be fine. But, Te, honestly though, thank you." New held Tay's right hand. "You made me sane last night. I would have been lost without you."

Tay intertwined his fingers with New's, "I will always be there when you need me, Hin. Always."

When they got in front of the apartment building, Tay kissed New goodbye and alighted the car. He watched him as he drove away.

Once inside his home, he sat on the couch and thought about last night. He remembered how New looked at the baby. My Hin would be a great father.

His phone suddenly rang and saw that Lee was calling.

"Hello, P'Tay?"

"Hello, Lee? What's up?"

"Where are you now? Are you at your place?"

"Yup. I'm here. Why?"

"I'm coming over, Phi. P'Yui asked me to fetch you instead since she needs to be at the filming location as soon as possible."

"Really? She could have told me. Anyway, I'm good, Lee. You don't have to fetch me. I still need to shower and dress anyway."

"But I'm already on the way, Phi. It's okay. I can just stay inside your place while I wait for you."

Tay thought for a moment. Only his and New's closest friends and their managers have ever entered this apartment since they have been private about their relationship. However, he cannot just easily turn down Lee given that he, out of good heart, offered to fetch him since he doesn't have a ride.

Will Hin mind? Should I call him? But he's still on the way. I don't want him using his phone while driving.

"Phi? P'Taaaay? Hellooo?" Tay just realized that he hasn't spoken for a while.

He sighed, then answered, "Okay, just get up here. It's room 302."

After the call, Tay removed any trace of New in the living room and put it temporarily on the bedroom.

What he doesn't know is that Lee practically begged his manager Eed to ask Yui to go to the filming location early so he can pick his Phi up. He badly wants to invade Tay and New's private space and leave his mark there. He is definitely sure that New is not around given that news about his wife giving birth has already reached MMG.

As the saying goes, when the cat's away, the mouse will play.


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