Hidden Flags

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This oneshot was originally in the other book but it does not belong with all da smutty things happenin there; so here you are my children. Enjoy your fluff :)

Words: 2998     Date: 8/27/20

Prompt: George tries to hide his pride flag when his friends come over as he hasn't come out yet but some things cant stay in the closet forever

George was frantically cleaning his house for his guests, Sapnap and Dream or Nick and Clay, had been to his house before but it had been a while since they got together at his place. George cleaned up his kitchen of the loose dirty plates that lay on the counter and picked up the random clothes that had been thrown to the floor, tossing them in the washing machine. (The clothes, not the dishes...Two in one cleaner?) He wanted to make sure his place looked nice for them, more specifically one guest in particular.

George had cleaned up his whole house, one one room left to clean; his room. He knew that his friends would end up hanging out in there, so he needed to make sure it was at least decent. He walked into the messy room, quickly tossing away random candy wrappers and *ehem, other wrappers. He made his bed and cleaned off his desk just in case they decided to go on his computer. (Hopefully they won't check his search history)

Feeling satisfied with his cleaning, he plopped into his gaming chair and admired his clean room. Looking around to make sure he didn't miss anything, his eyes stopped and stared at the rainbow flag that was pinned above his bed. He had put up the flag a few months ago, Nick and Clay hadn't been there yet to see it. George instantly became worried, he hadn't come out yet and he still wasn't exactly ready. He believed his friends would be supportive but he still wanted to give it some time. He hastily jumped up and unpinned the flag, leaving the wall blank as he folded it up.

Looking around for a place to hide it, his eyes landing on his closet. Swiftly opening the closet door, he shoved the folded flag onto a shelf above where his clothes were hanging; placing a folded shirt on top of it to hide it better. *Knock Knock, George could hear his friends at his door and quickly shut the closet, starting to leave his room. Taking one last look from his door frame to ensure there were no more items that could out him, he let out a deep breath and trotted down the hall to his front door.

George swung open the door to see his two best friends, standing side by side. "Hey George!" Nick was the first to speak, already walking into the house with Clay following. They made their way to the kitchen, ready to get their snack game on. Once there, Clay hopped onto the counter and swung his legs happily, watching as Nick dug through the cupboards pulling out a bag of chips. "Dude you literally need better snacks, this is like the only bag of chips in your entire kitchen." He had already begun eating the stale chips before George could speak.

George rolled his eyes and walked to a higher cabinet Nick had yet to open, "I do have good snacks, you just gotta know where to look." George swung open the cupboard doors to reveal dozens of mini bags of chips, cookies and boxes of candy. Clay and Nick's jaws dropped the floor at the sight, it was beautiful. Nick quickly trashed his expired chips and ran to the snack array alongside Clay, both quickly started taking boxes and bags of junk food from the shelves.

"Jesus you guys are gonna get diabetes." Nick and Clays arms were full different snacks as they headed to George's room to hang out. "You're the one who made the mistake of showing us your stash, you insult our snacks and we won't share." Clay spoke with harsh sass in his voice, causing the group to erupt in laughter as they tossed the food packages onto the foot of Georges bed. Nick seated himself in Georges computer chair facing the bed which held George who was leaning against the headboard and Clay who was lying on his stomach downing a pack of skittles.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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