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It's changed completely, my whole life is completely different what it used to be and do the right thing that I regret things that I wish I could change, if I was sent back to the time when I met him I would still choose to get closer to him, after all without him I would've most probably lived a boring and repetitive life never finding anything to stimulate me.

I walked into school with a smile on my face and my irritation carefully behind my sweet innocent facade. Keeping up a front was as natural to me now as breathing and my ability to act innocent was supported by a knowledge of what people expected from me with my appearance. After I greeted my classmates I noticed that the class was strangely excited today. I poked my deskmate to ask her about what was happening and she told me that apparently someone is transferring in today. Now realising what had created such a buzz in class, I switched on my phone to text my brother and best friend Alex. He has been the only one I could trust since we were both orphaned at the age of five as our parents died in a car accident. We both don't really remember our parents and have been each other's support since we could understand what happened to us. We have survived till now via scholarships and the money that our parents l left us. We knew that in this world we could only depend on ourselves and each other. Taking out my textbook I started to study even though the teacher hadn't come in yet.  Around 5 minutes later, the teacher walks in with a handsome, dark haired guy following her. So this was the new guy, I thought, discreetly sizing him up. The teacher asked him to go sit at the back window seat which happened to be just behind mine. He came and sat down but ignored him and focused completely on my textbook. The day passed on as usual and I continued to keep up my image of a perfect student. Soon enough school got over. I picked up my books and I headed out. When I reached outside I saw Alex waiting for me while leaning against his car. I lightly ran to him and got in the car. " Same day as always", he asked with a knowing grin on his face as he started the car. " It's the same over and over again, how can life be so repetitive and boring". I replied with a frown on my face. Soon enough we came back to the apartment building we lived in. It had modern decor with a minimalistic style and pale grey walls, which caused the rooms to feel open and airy.  After entering, I got changed into my favourite pajamas and went to my room to pull out my laptop so that I could finish reading the novel that I had begun a week ago. Outside I could hear Alex bustling around in the kitchen as he prepared lunch for the both of us. After two hours I heard Alex calling me out to eat food. I got up and stretched to loosen up my body and went to see what he had prepared.  When I came out I saw a steaming platter of cheesy white sauce pasta placed on the table. I jumped in joy and immediately attacked the food, causing Alex to chuckle and ask me to slow down. After finishing the food, I helped him to clear the table and then returned to my room to continue reading. Just like that I passed the time till ten o'clock and then I went to bed wondering if I would ever break free from this boring and repetitive life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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