Chapter 1

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I scrawled down the last of my notes just as the bell rang. Aimee Wallis, my ecology partner, sprang up and flew out the door. I gathered up my stuff more slowly but before I could run out the door a hand clamped down firmly on my shoulder.

"Why are you speeding off so fast, Smartie?"

I looked over my shoulder at Scott Westerfield. He grinned at me with his most charming smile which was known to make girls stop in their tracks. That along with his golden hair and warm brown eyes was enough to make most girls go gaga. Luckily I'm not like most girls.

I shrugged off his hand and turned around to face him. "I'm going to class like everyone else. Like you should be doing."

"Is there a problem?", our teacher called from his desk.

While Scott turned to tell him no I slid out the door and briskly walked to my locker. Scott was known as the one of the school's player and was rumored to have dated the whole sophomore class except for me. Ever since he had broken up with Maggie Johnson because he cheated on her with her twin sister Meggie, he's been after me. I wasn't having any of it though. Besides dating isn't exactly my cup of tea. I've never been kissed, have never been on a date, and never been asked on a date till Scott.

I don't really have a social life either. I spend most of my time reading making me very popular with the librarians.

Just as I was about to walk into my English class I nearly collided with somebody in the doorway. I looked up at the guidance counselor Ms. Dickins.

"Oh. Sorry about that. Let me move out the way."

I squeezed past her and plopped down in my seat. When the last bell rang our teacher closed the door and turned to us.

"We have a new student and I would like you all to make him feel welcone here.", Ms. Dickins said.

Everyone turned to look at the new guy and a couple of girls started to giggle excitedly. He was lean and by the looks of his arm slightly muscular. Dark hair hung in his crystal blue eyes and he wore all black.

He seemed comfortable despite the many eyes that were watching him and he even smirked revealing a dimple.

Sally Malin, who sat in front of me whispered to her friend, "If I didn't already have a boyfriend..."

Mrs. Osborne talked to him for awhile then pointed to the back. When he sat down next to me a few girls shot me envious glances but all I could notice was that he smelled like cinnamon and pinecones.

Mrs. Osborne started going over the objective and then he leaned over. His breath warmed my hand.

"Can I borrow your notes?"

His voice was deep and rich like chocolate melting in your mouth. I carefully took out my notes and handed them to him not daring to look at his face.


I simply nodded and tried to control my irregular heartbeat. When the bell finally rang I quickly tried to pack up my stuff. He got up and laid my notes on the desk before leaving.

I put them back in my folder but an unfamiliar handwriting made me look at the top of the page:

Thanks again Lyra

I read it over again and again and again. My heart leapt each time. What is wrong with me?

A/N: Hello! My first story is now on here! Yee! So tell me what you think! Bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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