Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day outside. However, this sunny day was not like any other sunny day.

Thomas Green could only feel numbness as he stood around the coffin, his friends and few relatives gathered around with him. He feels as if the weather was mocking him by being bright and sunny when it was an occasion to be gloomy on.

Thomas supposed that Jessie would've liked the nice weather. It was different from the cliche books she read, different from the cliche rainy funerals, and different from the day they fought Lynn.

She was an Auraus, and they could entrance people with their voices, much like what sirens do. She was provoked, and sent forth a storm upon them.

His sister took the blow for him, silly girl. Silly but brave. The strong blast of water shot through her. It would forever be imprinted in Thomas's mind.

Occupied by grief, Thomas let the Auraus escape.

Now, here he was, standing in front of a coffin bearing his sister's corpse.

She'd hate to see him sad. Jessie was an optimistic girl, a ray of sunshine in Thomas's life. Now she's gone. Only gloom remained in his heart.


"I'm home." Thomas calls out to the empty house.

His phone beeps and he goes to answer it.

Mastercaw: Hey dude, I'm sorry to hear about her. Oliver asks if you want to join us in a game of pool.

ShortOLIVE: Thomas, Jake's worried about you. We know you're still distraught, so... Hope you'll join us soon.

Ah, Jake Corvo and Oliver Agsell. Two of his friends who also hunted for creatures like Lynn.

absurdPine: Gotcha. Be right over.

Perhaps a game of pool might take his mind off of her.



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