Chapter 1: Summoning

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This is what made up the mans surroundings. An endless desert with a never setting sun, gears in the sky, ever turning. The never ending production of blades made evident by the swords surrounding him, no name belonging to them, stuck into the dusty ground of his own making. Between jobs, his existence was within his own reality, with nothing more than the constant ticking of clockwork and his own self loathing to keep him from losing his sanity. At one point he believed he was making a difference, but after centuries of never ending death, massacre after massacre, he realized long ago that he could never change anything. He sat amongst the blades making up his mental prison when he felt the pull. Another job, another crisis, another bloodbath, another chance to play "hero", another practice in hypocrisy.

He donned his red shroud preparing for whatever insanity Alaya deemed important enough to sending one of her agents to deal with. The Counter Force was supposed to right wrongs that could cause the end of humanity if left alone. Shirou Emiya had wanted to be a hero from the moment his own life had been saved from a fire that wiped everything he had known off the planet. That single act of kindness led to the suffering he deals with for eternity. The pull starts as slight breeze, but slowly becomes a vacuum breaking Emiya down at the molecular level. He is pulled through time and space, reality forming a tunnel around him with a blue portal being the endpoint and beginning of this next task.

The sudden stop, followed by the rematerialization was disorienting enough on its own, but the darkness of the room with the bright light pouring in from the window in the front of it didn't exactly help. Emiya opened his eyes to what looked like the inside of a church. He wasn't alone in the church, at the front of the pews he saw three figures. A man dressed in black, with dark hair and even darker eyes, a stark contrast to him was the woman standing next to him, wearing a white fur jacket, her hair looked like sliver threads, with crimson eyes to contrast her pale skin. Then there was the third individual whose back was facing him, a woman wearing a blue dress, blonde hair tied up with one piece of it refusing to be tamed. Emiyas eyes widen as he sees her, memories flooding back from when he was a younger more naive man. He was snapped back to reality when the man in black noticed him and the woman in blue leapt towards him and pinned him down with a blade he couldn't see. "Who the hell are you?" The man asks, clearly frustrated for more than just Emiya's intrusion. Gotta think fast, "I ask of you-" Emiya begins, " are you my master" he says with a smug grin on his face. "Master, he's a servant, what are your orders?" The swordswoman asks, foot on Emiyas chest, invisible blade at his throat. "What is you're name and class?" The man asked in threatening tone. Emiya responded indifferently " I am an archer, but my true name is a mystery even to myself. I don't remember my name, when or where I am from, or even what my noble phantasm is."
"You expect us to believe that?!" The servant asks, clearly feeling like she's just been insulted. Emiya felt the invisible sword apply a bit more pressure to is neck, causing a trickle of blood to run down its unseen edge. "If you believe me to be an enemy servant, order yours to run me through, I won't even resist." He raised his hands slowly in a kind of exaggerated movement. He saw the gears turning in the mans head, weighing his options, and then finally coming to a conclusion.
"Let him up."
The woman took her foot off of Emiyas chest and slowly raised her blade away from him. He stood up slowly and dusted the nonexistent dirt off. "So thats the kind of person my master is?" Emiya asked, partly serious and partly in jest, " That'll take some getting used to." The looks he got from the man and his servant, "If looks could kill, I doubt if Heracles' God Hand would've survived" he thought to himself.

"So does my master have a name or do you want me to address you only as 'master'?" He said as he made his way to the front of the sanctuary. "Kiritsugu Emiya, but I don't really care what you call me." The man said without even looking back at the two servants. He walked past the woman in white and exited the room leaving her with the awkward silence after slamming the door behind him. "Please forgive my husband, he has a lot on his mind as you can imagine. Welcome to my home Saber, Archer. My name is Irisviel Von Einstein, Kiritsugu's wife." She said bowing her head to the two servants. "Please come with me and I'll explain what our next steps will be." She said leading them to the door Kiritsugu left through holding the door for the pair.

Archer walked past her, mind processing what had happened. Well that could've gone better. Alaya is either a cruel torturer or has just given me the greatest gift I could be given short of being released from service.
He was unaware of what this holy grail war was going to have in store for him, but he knew he was given a chance to break the cursed loop that led to his existence

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