Chapter 44

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Edward firmly shook his head right and left, he looks down before muttering his words. "I regret what I said! I just feel like, I can't continue to exist another second without knowing a thing about what she's doing. Who is she with or even the thought of her forgetting me pains."

Dorothea had let out a sigh, she was furious at Edward's action but seeing him admitting to his emotions and activity had made her anger decrease.

Looking up at Jasper, Dorothea noticed how he was still containing mixed emotions about this mortal and immortal relationship, yet, seeing his brother in this state did make him feel pity. "Go home, Ed. You look terrible. Me and Thea will keep an eye on her."

Edward didn't say much after just nodding and following his brother's wishes, coming clean took a lot of energy than he had thought. Once Edward was out of ear sight, Jasper looked down at Dorothea who was still in his arms, looking off at Edward's depressing back.

"Tomorrow he is going to look a lot worse." / "Come on. Let's get inside," Jasper had to lead the way back inside the mansion, leading straight off to their room to rest for now.

( ͡• ᴗ ͡•)

When the next day had arrived, Dorothea would continuously look at the clock, counting the second down till Edward's second arrival at the Volturi

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When the next day had arrived, Dorothea would continuously look at the clock, counting the second down till Edward's second arrival at the Volturi. While Jasper would look at the main door at the throne room, every chance he got, waiting for his brother.

It was around 5 when everyone was in the throne room, the time when they would spend their time together. Caius and Jasper are testing each other knowledge of history, Aro seated himself in the throne room while looking through the scroll given by the assistant, and Marcus and Dorothea giggle away as they talk about who knows what from behind Aro.

Edward had come barging through the room with a lack of emotions.

Those who were seated stood up in shock at the uninvited guest while Aro remains calm in his seat, just signaling the assistant to go away. "Edward Cullen. How may I help you? By your action, you're not here for your siblings this time."

Jasper had impatiently run to Dorothea's side while Caius did the same but beside Aro instead, Marcus gave Edward a concerned look, knowing what emotions were going on through the young male's eyes.

"Edd-" / "I want you to kill me. My m-mate. She's..." Dorothea was cut off by Edward, his voice was dull and discouraging, it stung Dorothea to see his first true sibling like that. Aro, Caius, and Marcus started whispering among themselves about what their further action should be while Dorothea tries her best to call out to her brother.

Edward ignored the girl like she wasn't even in the room while Jasper holds himself back from exploding at Edward for causing his mate's current emotion and letting his emotions lead to stupid decisions.

"Have you decided?" Edward had finally looked up at the Volturi, neglecting his sibling not far from them. "It was an intriguing debate. We don't get many suicidal vampires." / "Pathetic." Caius had scoffed at Edward's condition but the man didn't respond.

"I'm afraid your gifts are too valuable to destroy. But if you're unhappy with your lot, join us. We'd be delighted to utilize your skills." / "So you won't end this."

Dorothea had let out a breath of relief hearing this but that went crashing down with Marcus's words, "Not without cause." Both Jasper and Dorothea gave the elder man a shocked look at his words, Marcus was giving Edward his wishes to die.

Edward registers this, his face setting. He's going to give them cause and that's what made Dorothea panic. He strides out, and Dorothea would off follow after Edward if it won't for Jasper holding firmly onto her waist while softly whispering. "He's going to need you here. If you chase after him, more trouble will arise."

Unknown to them Aro had overhead their whispers, he was confused but chose to push it away for now. But a nagging voice in his head told him that Dorothea was hiding something from him. "Felix! Demetri! Follow after the man. Jane you too."

The couple watched as the Volturi guard went out of the room, they can't say much as they just watch praying for the best. Aro had given them a glance before voicing out his next statement for his brother. "I believe we will be seeing them soon, brothers. Till then, let's rest here for now. It would be rude to not welcome them for we have invited them."

( ͡• ᴗ ͡•)

Bella, Edward, and Alice enter to face the three ancients Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Eight Volturi guards including Jane, Felix, and Demetri, line the walls in a variety of modern dark overcoats. But what caught Bella's eyes was Jasper and Dorothea.

Dorothea had seated herself on her throne with Jasper standing beside her, to say the less, Bella was astounded seeing them, immediately thinking the bad, especially towards the red-haired. Aro rises, and greets them like old friends, taking Edward's hand and shaking it. "What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?"

Caius responds with a sour expression. Marcus could care less but was secretly happy for the vampire. Aro doesn't release Edward's hand, looks at him, and said. "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without effort." / "I can see that." Aro laughed at Edward before turning his attention to the mortal beside Edward, he did a thorough scan of her while Edward explains Aro's powers.

"My precious Dorothea never said a word about you. Nor have I seen you in her mind and past-" Dorothea had flinched hearing Aro's deep voice, telling her he was slightly mad at the girl. "But knowing now that Edward found interest in a mortal. I fully understand her action. I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well as the many gifted vampires Carlisle holds."

He reaches for Bella's hand but she hesitates, does she have a choice?

Aro laughs at her reluctance and further extends his hand. Bella finally takes it. A beat as he holds her hand, confusion sweeping over him. Aro releases her, and moves back to his chair, deep in thought "Interesting. I wonder if-"

"NO!" Edward had read through Aro's thoughts, understanding what the man was going to do with his lover. Dorothea took action from there, gaining everyone's attention when she stood up, with a more serious aura than her normal bubbly one.

She didn't talk loud just low at Aro so only Bella was confused "Aro, may I?" / "You may child"

"Bella is a gifted human. She holds the power of a shield but her powers are weak at the moment that some abilities can go through and hurt her." Aro nods in understanding, wondering how Dorothea knows of such, however, pushes it away and still gave Jane a signal.

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