The Arena | Start of the Fight

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(I changed it to "The Arena | Start of the Fight")

[The Next Day, 3rd POV]

It was the next day for our troublesome class, Izumi and Eri ate breakfast and she dressed in a dress that was similar to her costume, that was designed and made by her.

It was the next day for our troublesome class, Izumi and Eri ate breakfast and she dressed in a dress that was similar to her costume, that was designed and made by her

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She immediately liked it and Izumi took a pic and send it to Ukaza, which got several replies from different people like Ukaza, Tsuko, Ushina, Kanjono, and etc. She wore a red long sleeve shirt and a red skirt with a bow on it to tie the skirt. They went downstairs and they all saw everyone in some casual clothing and just did whatever they did, usually ranging from playing games, to sitting ang chatting with each other.

[With Nezu]

Nezu was waiting patiently and worried, why? Because today was the day of the fight, he was waiting for the location of the Arena so they can fight. They wanted to ambush it so the fight would be cancelled originally, but ever since they heard about the Imi's power, they were scared for their lives. Silence rang through the entire room, nobody even said a single word for 10 minutes until a phone beep was heard, Inko checked her phone and it was Ushina again.

Go to the front gate, bring 1-A also, including my great grand daughter. There will be two people waiting there to escort you to the arena.

They did so and the teachers and the people who are going to fight gathered 1-A and followed towards the gate. The doorbell rang through the walls of the school and they opened it, revealing Ruby Rose in her normal general attire, with her teammate with short hair covering her left eye, but they could see a eyepatch that was covering half of her face, only revealing a small portion of her scar, her right eye, and her mouth. She was wearing a sleeveless tank top with a long red scarf, fingerless gloves that goes to her biceps, a skirt with some red padded armor similar to a samurai, and some thigh-high socks with shoes. She also had her katana strapped on her waist.

 She also had her katana strapped on her waist

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