~AwAkE and AlIvE~

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They say that everyone has some sort of story. Whether it's strange, different or terrible...everyone has a purpose in their lives. They are always given the chance to be whoever they want to be. A master once told me that there was no written timeline to the future. Even though it feels that way sometimes. You feel like you've been set up for nothing but failure.

The fusions of green light burst from each mako reactor one by one...they all lit up the entire town of Midgar with a gleamy green fixture. Afterwards, a triple set of helicopters approached the highest balconies, landing on the roof. Turks and Soldier of all classes.

"John!" Angeal called to my Father as the roof entrance to the Shinra building. My Father quickly reacted to Angeal's shout and rushed toward the exit, while hearing the intense sounds of the chopping that the helicopter made a land.

Once my Father made it inside, Angeal gave him a swat on the back. "Mission Accomplished!" He said with a sudden rush of excitement. "That's how things are done! I am so proud of you. -Really, I am."

My Father laughs and stares at the ground. My Dad was a Second Class Soldier at Shinra. He was thirty-five, and one great hero of mine. Even though he and my Mother separated when I turned ten, he was the sweetest man ever. I still yet to know why they split up. They've told me...but, maybe I just refuse to accept their reason. I didn't believe it.

"Angeal, if you wouldn't mind..." Father handed him the folder of law and custody forms. "Would you take those to the office tomorrow morning?"

"Of course! Anything for you, John! You have helped so much here today. It would be my pleasure to help you." He patted his shoulder again. "In fact...there is someone that I would like to introduce you to."

Right as the Soldier were about to step into the next hallway, and then suddenly, a girl shot by in complete determination as she was running laps. Her long silver hair was tied back, and her running shoes matched a perfect rhythm as she sprinted down the hall. Angeal was just in time to high-five her across her right hand.

"Karma, how many laps has Sephiroth assigned you today?" Angeal called, and Karma slowed her pace and turned toward Angeal to speak while power-walking backwards.

"Ten miles!" She shouts, and immediately picks her pace back up and takes off down the hall.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" My Father asked, staring down the opposite hallway. Angeal sighed and looked at him in the eyes.

"There isn't anymore." Angeal says.

"-You mean?" Father questioned with confusion. "What about the rest of them-?"

"-Dropped out." Angeal shrugs. "Karma is the last one. She is only one month away from completing the training. She will be the first female in history to make Soldier. That is if she keeps with it."

"Is the first class training that difficult?" My Father asked. "I wouldn't know. I haven't taken it yet."

"Considering that ten people begin the training...and no more then two ends up completing it...it's not without difficultly."

My father and Angeal entered the Soldier Floor and approached the Briefing Room, where they meet with the most famous Soldier on the entire planet...

Sephiroth turned around to them, after scanning his eyes over reports of a Wutai situation on the large projector's screen.

"Sephiroth. May I introduce you to the man of the hour?" Angeal introduced my Father to him. My Father held his breath as he witnessed the famous phenomenon before his eyes. He has yet to meet the best 1st Class Soldier known to man.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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