Sports Med Project

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A/N: Hiya, thank you for stopping by. This is my first one shot. Please leave any advice on how I can improve my writing. Enjoy the story =)

Warning: There is smut in this story. Minors DO NOT INTERACT! and if you're still going to don't tell me about it.

"Okay class that is the end of the lesson today, but now here is the project for the week." The sigh and groans of multiple students could be heard through the whole room.

"I know, how mean of me to give you a project for the week?" Our professor sarcastically replied to our protest.

"This week is a partner project so pair up or I'll randomly choose your partners."

God, I hate projects with partners. I'll most likely get stuck with someone who doesn't work or has no fucking clue what we are working on. I'll just wait and let everyone pair up with each other before I try looking for a partner.

"Hey, um do you have a partner?" Well shit, this is unexpected. Looking up from my phone to see Hajime the exchange student from Japan. Not to mention the dude I've been crushing on since the beginning of the semester.

"Oh no, not yet," I replied truthfully while looking back at my phone trying not to stare at his cute ass face.

"Would you like to work together?" He asked politely.

"Uh, yeah that sounds good to me." I smiled up at him accepting his offer.

"Well let me introduce myself. I'm Y/N." I say finally standing up and extending my right hand to shake his.

"Oh yeah, um I'm Hajime Iwaizumi." He placed his hand in mine and lightly shook it.

We exchanged phone numbers and agreed on meeting up at the library after our classes to get started on our project. The project was on different types of athletic injuries and how they can potentially affect the players' performance after the healing process. We got concussions. As a person who has suffered from multiple severe concussions this project was going to be a breeze for the research. The thing that was going to be a bitch is making the diagram that demonstrates what happens during a concussion.

Hajime and I met at the library around 3:30. That gave us about 3 and a half hours to discuss, plan and research our topic. We had it set throughout the week we would meet up at the library after our classes and work on our project. Monday was planning and discussing. Tuesday was writing and editing the essay portion of the project. Wednesday and Thursday were making our poster and Friday was the day we both had the least amount of classes so we planned to go to my apartment and work on making a 3d visual representation of the brain during a concussion.

Over the past week, both Hajime and I got close. Sharing childhood memories and funny stories. We shared what our hobbies were and what our plans were after college. During this week I felt myself falling for Hajime and falling hard. He was sweet, funny, smart, and not to mention good-looking. He had ambitions and goals. What more could you ask for in a guy.

By the time Friday came around we had brainstormed multiple different ways to make the "brain" for our project. Hajime had bought a skull and we cracked the top open so we could place the "brain" in. Now was the fun part of trying out our different ideas. We thought of doing paper mache but we wanted the brain to shift in the skull to show the brain's movement. The next idea was making the "brain" out of jello. By far this was the closest thing to what we wanted to represent the brain. After 10 boxes of cherry and strawberry flavored jello and 3 boxes of plain gelatin, we finally got the right ratio for the "brain".

"Fuck yes!" I exclaimed happily after we got the right mixture.

Smiling like an idiot I didn't realize the complete mess my kitchen was. Then looking at both Hajime and I full of sugary jello. Laughing I knew it was going to be fun cleaning this up. Checking the time I saw it was about 10 p.m. and we hadn't eaten since 5 o'clock when we went back out to buy more supplies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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