Chapter One: Magic runs in the vains of the chosen.

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Her blazing dark red hair flew around her shoulder as she stepped out of the terminal, dark glasses covered half her face, she was wearing plan blue jeans and an Arctic Monkeys tee-shirt, lace up Dc Martians. she had a dancers figure. Graceful steeps rounding the rope and down the stairs toward the tall, light brown hired man holding a sign with the name ANNA written on it.

"They sent a driver for me how considerate. Help me with my bags?" her light but cracked voice was quiet in the loud airport and the man could see the faint outline of a bruise that the sunglasses where hiding most of, her split and swollen lip as well as deep red marks around her throat stood out like a pumpkin in a cabage patch on her pale skin.  "parlez-vous anglais?" 

Realizing he hadn’t yet replied to her question she now thought he didn’t speak English, "sorry yes I speak English I’m form New York, Joel nice to meet you. Your French is impeccable" her raised eyebrows fell back behind the sunglasses

 "My mother’s French it’s all we speak at home, I’m Anna and where do I get my bags from?" 

"Vol 189 Australie du Sud à Paris, peut recueillir des sacs à une ceintur" (flight 189 South Australia to Paris can collect bags at belt one) rang through the airport and laughing and greeting family’s started to move away to collect their bags. Joel pointed in the direction of the conveyor belts now moving with suit case after suit case.

"Please Sir qui est mon sac , pourriez-vous aider ?" making her way through the crowd of people she moved toward an older man standing at the front, he grabbed her bag and handed it to her she smiled and thanked the kind man before making her way back to Joel. Anna had never had any trouble getting help from kind people she was sweet and gentle and always used her manners. Although look where that had gotten her shipped off to some relative of her mother’s to learn how to use some magic she had gotten after she was... attacked the thought of that night still made her want to find a dark corner and cry. Most of the bruises had healed and she was out of the hospital but it still haunted her she had not slept a full night without waking up in cold sweats screaming since it happened and she wondered if she ever would be able to sleep without seeing his face again. 

"Is that all you brought with you?" Joel tock the bag from her and realized it was quite light she smiled and said thank you to him but then returned to walking silently next to him.

The cold air hit her like an arrow through the heart, when she had left Australia it had been summer and she was sweating from her pants now in France it was winter and she felt the cool as a harsh but welcome reminder that she was no longer in Australia and for that she couldn’t help but be a little happy for. Every street reminded Anna of what happened, every face and every hand that touched her to hug her or try to comfort her felt like his fist coming down, with another harsh blow to her unexpecting body. 

"There is something we need to tell you and I want you to keep an open mind" Lena, Anna’s mothers voice ran through her ears, "now we have a very long and complicated family line. In addition, in times of dire distress members of our family become gifted and given something to protect themselves. Magic Anna. You have been given this gift because of what happened to you." What was she talking about "mom there’s no such thing as magic I know that grandma believed in that sort of stuff but I don’t so just stop messing around okay it’s not funny". 

"I am telling you the truth my dear, you will go live with a member of my family he is a very powerful warlock and he will teach you how to use your magic. You leave for France tomorrow" 

"Tomorrow? France? What are you talking about? I can’t just leave I have a job and and friends and I’m not going to live with some delusional member of your family"

"Magie coule dans les vains de l'élu"

"Magic runs in the vains of the chosen?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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